English 中文(简体)
原标题:Use Canvas (surfaceview) or use views with translate animation

我很抱着这样一个迅速问题,即你通常如何对待这一问题。 我不敢肯定的是,你是否看到了游戏文件Ts或类似的东西,如果你把你对现有形象的inger弄放在了旁边(例如,通过拉眼图像),让这个形象穿透了屏幕。

To do something like that, what would be the best way to handle such graphics (mainly concerned about graphics motion and touch event): -Have an imageview and OnTouchListener that will get the x/y and do a translateAnimation to every X/Y and then do translateAnimation of the image across the screen when the touch is lifted

- OR有表面观点,绘制Canvas图像的比照图,并且有色谱法,使X/Y坐标与触角事件相处,并据此绘制图

我总是被困惑不解的是,谁会去? (我的目标是安乐施会这样2.3 rag/dr,这是这方面范围外的事情)





首先,在估算中(Either Translate,Rotate,Scale),我们刚刚改变了立场,对特定时间的图像表达看法(尽管它显示出了 an效应)。 然后,它将采取最初的立场。

But in canvas, We change the ImageView( we draw Bitmap here not image view)permanently on base of it coordinate. Suppose you want to change you Image where ever your finger touch then simple draw it with new coordinate that you got from OnTouchEvent()

最后,我要说,这完全不是我们的要求。 地表水和血管主要用于Gaming环境。


任何精细的缩略语,即任何使用 sp的物品,都应在<条码>上填写。 标准<代码><<>View/>>>


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