I need to block datatable when it s updating via ajax. I used blockUI component and it s show() and hide() methods. But it works only once! Where can be the problem? Thanks for help. Here is part of code:
<p:dialog resizable="false" showHeader="false" modal="false"
widgetVar="statusDialog" draggable="false" closable="false">
<p:selectOneMenu id="source" value="#{mainBean.selectedSource}">
<p:ajax onstart="statusDialog.show(); feedBlock.show()"
oncomplete="statusDialog.hide(); feedBlock.hide()"
update="feed" listener="#{mainBean.filter(selectedSource, false)}"/>
<p:dataTable id="feed" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="460"
value="#{mainBean.feed}" var="curr">
<p:blockUI block="feed" widgetVar="feedBlock"/>