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Tell django用于搜索模版子夹
原标题:Tell django to search app s template subfolders



采用模型1和通用清单词表,现在仅搜索模板/app/model1_form.html。 难道我可以告诉 d干,他也应该找回 app子。 我不想手工确定模板名称和路径(template_name=“templates/app/model1/model1_form.html”)。

在环境中。 py I have:

import os.path
BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    BASE_PATH+ /templates/ ,


class HousesListView(ListView):
    model = House
    context_object_name = "house_list"



页: 1 (如果它尚未做到)。

     django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader ,
     django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader ,


- <project_root>
    - app
        - templates
            - model1
            - model2


- <project_root>
    - app
        - templates
            - app
                - model1
                - model2

当时的其他答案是正确的,但对于现在来到这里的任何人来说,这就是在Django 1.8+1中如何做到这一点。

否则,Django现在看着模板的夹。 页: 1 App_DIRS : real, in TEMPLATES where such as:

     DIRS : [ templates ],
     APP_DIRS : True,

如其他答复所示,您仍应使用<代码> 申请名称/项目编号/申请名称/格式>。

(更多信息:https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/intro/tutorial03/#write-views-该-实际上是-do-something 方框中题为“间隔”的模板名称



  1. Manually give the template path as subdir/template.html
    eg. render_to_response( sub/dir/template.html ) or template_name= ...

  2. Define all the subfolders in the TEMPLATE_DIRS

    BASE_PATH+ /templates/ ,
    BASE_PATH+ /templates/app ,
    BASE_PATH+ /templates/app/model1 ,

    But because Generic Views except templates to be found in app_name/template.html, you would have to move your templates to add /path/to/templates/app/model1 to your TEMPLATE_DIRS, and move your templates to templates/your_app/model/your_app/model_template.html, which is little bit awkward.

With Django 2.0, it s not even necessary to change anything in the TEMPLATES variable in settings.py. The only requirement is to add appname.apps.AppnameConfig (e.g. catalog.apps.CatalogConfig for an app named catalog ) to the INSTALLED_APPS list, then django will look under appname/templates when it searches for templates.

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