English 中文(简体)
原标题:preg_match array items in string?


$badwords = array("one", "two", "three");


$string = "some variable text";


if (one or more items from the $badwords array is found in $string)
echo "sorry bad word found";
echo "string contains no bad words";

if $string = "one fine day" or "one fine day two of us did something", user should see sorry bad word found message.
If $string = "fine day", user should see string contains no bad words message.

如我所知,你可以从阵列上<代码>preg_match。 任何建议?



$badWords = array( one ,  two ,  three );
$stringToCheck =  some stringy thing ;
// $stringToCheck =  one stringy thing ;

$noBadWordsFound = true;
foreach ($badWords as $badWord) {
  if (preg_match("/$badWord/", $stringToCheck)) {
    $noBadWordsFound = false;
if ($noBadWordsFound) { ... } else { ... }

Why do you want to use preg_match() here?
What about this:

foreach($badwords as $badword)
  if (strpos($string, $badword) !== false)
    echo "sorry bad word found";
    echo "string contains no bad words";

如果你需要<代码>preg_match(),出于某种原因,你可以动态地产生reg形。 与此类似:

$pattern =  /(  . implode( | , $badwords) .  )/ ; // $pattern = /(one|two|three)/
$result = preg_match($pattern, $string);



$badwordsfound = count(array_filter(
    explode(" ",$string),
    function ($element) use ($badwords) {
            return true; 
    })) > 0;

   echo "Bad words found";
   echo "String clean";


$badwords_replace = array_fill(0,count($badwords),"");
$string_clean = str_replace($badwords,$badwords_replace,$string);
if($string_clean == $string) {
    echo "no bad words found";
    echo "bad words found";


private static $bad_name = array("word1", "word2", "word3");

// This will check for exact words only. so "ass" will be found and flagged 
// but not "classic"

$badFound = preg_match("/(" . implode(self::$bad_name,"|") . ")/i", $name_in);


// This will match "ass" as well as "classic" and flag it

private static $forbidden_name = array("word1", "word2", "word3");

$forbiddenFound = preg_match("/(" . implode(self::$forbidden_name,"|") . ")/i", $name_in);


if ($badFound) {
   return FALSE;
} elseif ($forbiddenFound) {
   return FALSE;
} else {
   return TRUE;

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