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JSP 利用努力建立超链接<a href>
原标题:JSP using String to create hyperlink <a href>

• 如何利用扼杀手段与共同财产计划中的外印建立超链接?


String [] searchResultTitle;
String [] searchResultLinks;

 for(int j=0; j<searchResult.length; j++){
out.print(searchResultTitle[j].toString()) ;

//WHAT TO DO HERE???????????
< a href = searchResultLinks[j].toString()> 

out.print(searchResultLinks[j].toString()) ;






    String [] searchResultTitle = {"1","2","3"};
    String [] searchResultLinks = {"www.google.com","www.google.com","www.gmail.com"};
    for(int j=0; j<searchResultLinks.length; j++){
    <%out.print(searchResultTitle[j].toString()) ; %>
out.println( "<a href =" + searchResultLinks[j].toString() +"> " + searchResultTitle[j].toString() + "</a>");


<a href = "<%= searchResultLinks[j].toString() %>" > <%= searchResultTitle[j].toString() %> </a>

它是“连接”和“连接”之间的空间。 这 y成平原。


out.print("< a href = "+searchResultLinks[j].toString()+"> ");
out.print(searchResultLinks[j].toString()) ;

这样,这些标签就应当同时印制,或使用共同财产法标记从 Java代码中分离出来。

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