如何使用 主任重复Puppet干租赁办法,以验证机器是否具备与对应设备相匹配的状态?
So I have a solr server running as part of a chef server. Some of my nodes just aren t coming up in searches. I can use ?q=*:* to show the documents but most of the chef data is indexed as ...
如何使用 主任重复Puppet干租赁办法,以验证机器是否具备与对应设备相匹配的状态?
Opscode did come out with their own dry run mode last year, called why-run , www.opscode.com/blog/2012/09/07/chef-10-14-0-released/. But you have to be careful as there are limits with the accuracy of all these self-monitoring features, as explained here: http://blog.afistfulofservers.net/post/2012/12/21/promises-lies-and-dryrun-mode/
采用外部工具来核查机器相对于已知的良好状态的目前状况,可能是更好的选择。 http://www.metaforsoftware.com/“rel=“nofollow”http://www.metaforsoftware.com/。 它将对大型机器进行分散算法,以便你能够准确看到这些机器的变换和安放;两者间缺失。 它带有自由灯塔,我们计划永远有自由版本。 (FD:I m a co-founder so all caveats applicable ;-)
So I have a solr server running as part of a chef server. Some of my nodes just aren t coming up in searches. I can use ?q=*:* to show the documents but most of the chef data is indexed as ...
After installing cinderella, all "gem install" commands fails with: ERROR: While executing gem ... (FloatDomainError) Infinity I m trying to use cinderella to make sure everything is the same ...
I have 4 servers behind a load balancer and a staging server, a db server, and a utility server for a web application that hosts a number of web sites. Should I make the jump to Chef to manage these ...
What is the best practice for storing password and API keys with Chef? It s really tempting to store database passwords, AWS api keys, and other sensitive credentials as Chef Server Attributes for ...
How do we pass the :rails_env vairable so that it recognizes what version we are into i.e. staging, production, demo We are trying to get the :rails_env from the deploy.rb in capistrano to pass to ...
I use Heroku to deploy my Rails apps. But I thought about learning Chef to automatically set up the development infrastructure, but Im not sure. So to put it very simple, are there any reasons for ...
We are learning chef-solo and need a good example for better understanding.. Have searched a lot on net but the ideas are very confusing. can anyone suggest some examples.. and also how to run them.. ...
What are the differences in term of features between Cfengine and Chef?