English 中文(简体)
原标题:Overriding curried functions in Scala
  • 时间:2012-04-30 21:16:37
  •  标签:
  • scala


// short syntax
def foo(bar: Bar)(baz: Baz): Quux


// long syntax
def foo(bar: Bar): (Baz) => Quux

但是,在继承问题上,我似乎不能把两者混在一起。 整个树木必须在短yn或长yn中界定;从来都不是。


case class Context
case class Work

trait ContextualWorker {
  def workWithContext(ctxt: Context)(work: Work): Traversable[Work]

class ShortConcreteWorker extends ContextualWorker {
  override def workWithContext(ctxt: Context)(work: Work) = Nil

class LongConcreteWorker extends ContextualWorker {
  // error on next line: method workWithContext overrides nothing    <-------------
 override def workWithContext(ctxt: Context): (Work) => Traversable[Work] = {
    val setupCode = 1
    { work => Nil }


www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 为什么这些是不可交换/不可继承的? 你们如何绕过它?

现在最灵活的做法似乎是界定长子的树木,或许可以归入短期合同规定的执行类别。 劳动者:

case class Context
case class Work

trait ContextualWorker {
  def workWithContext(ctxt: Context): (Work) => Traversable[Work]

class ShortConcreteWorker extends ContextualWorker {
  override def workWithContext(ctxt: Context) = workWithContextImpl(ctxt)_ 
  private def workWithContextImpl(ctxt: Context)(work: Work) = Nil

class LongConcreteWorker extends ContextualWorker {
  override def workWithContext(ctxt: Context): (Work) => Traversable[Work] = {
    val setupCode = 1
    { work => Nil }

所述两种方法完全不同。 REPL确认:

scala> def foo1(a: Int)(b: Int): Int = a + b
foo1: (a: Int)(b: Int)Int

scala> def foo2(a: Int): (Int => Int) = (b: Int) => a + b
foo2: (a: Int)Int => Int

第一项职能需要两个论点,分别以单独的理由清单提出,并填写<代码>。 Int 。 第二项职能是one论据和从Int<>>>> 。 虽然这两个问题在概念上是相似的,但事实上是不同的构造,而Scala则将这两个问题作为对待。

这并不限于具有多重论点清单的职能。 这里的工作方式相同:

scala> def foo3(a: Int): Int = a + 1
foo3: (a: Int)Int

scala> def foo4: (Int => Int) = (a: Int) => a + 1
foo4: Int => Int

Note that there are different ramifications for usage as well. With foo2, because it only accepts one argument, we can call it with just one argument. However, foo1 requires two arguments, an so we cannot simply call it with one. You can however use the _ syntax to convert it into a callable function.

foo2(2)    // Int => Int = <function1>
foo1(2)    // error: missing arguments for method foo1
foo1(2) _  // Int => Int = <function1>

回答你的问题: 不能互换的原因是这些原因不一样。 如果是这样的话,我们将能够以同样的方式来看待他们。 如果你在延长时能够改变签名,那么Schala会知道什么叫 s子允许? “周围植被”的方法只是使签名保持一致。



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