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原标题:Shell script not evaluating argument proceeded by --


然而,我与某个具体指挥机构有许多麻烦。 在另一批中流中,我发现,指挥局要打印一个盖特存放处的根fold:

git rev-parse --show-top-level


$(git rev-parse --show-top-level)

适当价值均已退还,所有价值都很好。 然而,我手稿中的这种做法并没有很好地发挥作用。 我只字不提:

[ $(git status &>/dev/null) $? -eq "0" ] && {
    git_name=$("git rev-parse --show-top-level")
    echo $(eval $git_name)

现在我不了解你的情况,但在我看来,这似乎就是这样做的wrong(不是第一行;我完全赞成这一点)。 产出大致如下:

command not found: git rev-parse --show-top-level


[ $(git status &>/dev/null) $? -eq "0" ] && {
    git_name=$(git rev-parse --show-top-level)
    echo $git_name




My question is, why do neither of these work, and what would be the correct way to implement this? My guess is it has something to do with there being a double-dashed argument after a space, and the last long argument is being treated as a command itself (at least in the second example), but that s the extent of my intuition.




[ $(git status &>/dev/null) $? -eq "0" ] && {
    git_name=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
    echo $(eval $git_name)

<代码>git rev-parse上的双重引用是不必要的,这一论点应当为-show-toplevel,而不是--show-top-level



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