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CMWESXi 4.1: 如何用BUS软盘复制机器?
原标题:VMware ESXi 4.1 : how to copy machines from USB disk?

I want to get rid of my old ESX server (installed with OS) and move the machines to an ESXi server. I copied my machines on USB disk, but ESXi 4.1 doesn t seem to detect USB disk. Is there a way to "mount it" or some other way to access USB drive from VMware ?




  • Create a temporary ESXi
  • Create a PC installed with Windows 7 and with enough disk space


  • suppress all snapshots
  • shut down the ESX server
  • copy the VM files to the PC with Windows 7
  • install vmware-converter on the PC with Windows 7
  • convert from local files with the temporary ESXi server as destination ...only then, it was possible to copy them to the new ESXi server (which was the old ESX server, reformatted).




(1) 在ESXi内部使用外附的USB闪电或磁盘驱动器,如果有人在磁盘上储存的MSS图像上有可见度,则要求U公司仲裁员(使USB的驱动力能够用于USB的通过)残疾。 Consult 采用可拆卸的USB转机处理程序,并在附上外部的USB驱动器以取得最佳结果之前这样做。

2) 您说,你复制了“以Ex3文档系统显示的”“BUS软盘”的“机器”。 只有在考试和测验科内才能做到这一点,因为ESXi没有支持Ex3档案系统,甚至没有支持FAT32(至少通过ESXi 6.5,很可能是因为与FAT32有关的专利问题)。 该公司确实支持FAT16和用于持有虚拟机器的专用信标系统。


  1. Shut down any and all VMs that you want to copy.
  2. Disable USB passthrough (see above) and then attach your USB disk.
  3. Access the ESXi command line and format your USB disk with VMFS (Google vmfstools).
  4. Verify that you can put a small text file on the USB disk and cd away from the disk before detaching it from the old host. The purpose of the "cd away" is similar to the procedure required on Windows prior to detaching a USB disk.
  5. Disable USB passthrough on the new host and attach the USB disk and verify that you can read the text file. Then cd away from the disk and detach it and go back to the old host.
  6. Copy your VMs using cp and then cd away from the USB disk and etc.

FWIW 我确信,这样做是没有支持的,但如果你重新谨慎,而USB光盘足够大,它就应当发挥作用。 还有一个情况是,如果你集中起来,那么就更加容易地使用储存和储存,但小型商店可能不会有这种奢侈。 亲爱!

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