English 中文(简体)
hiberate: 设立实体(附有说明)
原标题:hibernate: create Entity(with annotations) in runtime

Is it possible to create hibernate Entity class(with annotations) during runtime? It should be related with the table that is also added in runtime. It is important that the Entity should be visible by the Hibernate. Is it possible in general, could you please give me any advices on the problem? I understand, that reflection is the keyword, but looking for some more words. Regards.


In 这一设想是,你不妨在新地图上通过以下文字,在时间段上建立“自由工场”方案:http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/3.3/vis/en/html/session-configuration.html#configuration-programmatic” rel=“nofollow”http://docs.jbos.org/hibernate/orm/3.3/vis/en/html/session-conf.html#configuration-promgram/a>。


您不需要在一段时间内设立一个POJO实体类别和案例。 你们所需要的是充满活力的模式。 请参看

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