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C# Winform活动手递
原标题:C# Winform event handler

I have 2 constructors in my class:

public partial class Fiche_Ordre : Le_MainForm
         public Fiche_Ordre()

              public Fiche_Ordre(string OrderID): this()

                    Pers_Ordre oPersOrdr = oOrder_BL.Get_OrdreOne_BL(ClientID, Convert.ToInt32(OrderID), false);

                textEdit_RefExpred.Text = oPersOrdr.RefExpd;
                lookUpEdit_Agence.EditValue = oPersOrdr.Agence;
                lookUpEdit_Transport.EditValue = oPersOrdr.Transporteur;

                lookUpEdit_Dest.EditValue = oPersOrdr.DestId;


              public void Constuct_Page()
                      ClientID = Program.Le_ClientID;

              #region LookUpEdidt Destinataire

                   lookUpEdit_Dest.Properties.DataSource = Auxiliaire_BL.FillCombo_BL(false, ClientID).Tables["ComboFill"];
                   lookUpEdit_Dest.Properties.ValueMember = "CODE_DEST";
                   lookUpEdit_Dest.Properties.DisplayMember = "CODE_DEST";
                   LookUpColumnInfoCollection coll_Dest = lookUpEdit_Dest.Properties.Columns;
                   // A column to display the ProductID field s values.
                   coll_Dest.Add(new LookUpColumnInfo("CODE_DEST", 0, "Code Destinataire"));
                   // A column to display the ProductName field s values.
                   coll_Dest.Add(new LookUpColumnInfo("RS_NOM", 0, "Raison Social"));
                   //  Set column widths according to their contents and resize the popup, if required.   
                   lookUpEdit_Dest.Properties.BestFitMode = BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;
                   // Enable auto completion search mode.
                   lookUpEdit_Dest.Properties.SearchMode = SearchMode.AutoComplete;
                   // Specify the column against which to perform the search.
                   lookUpEdit_Dest.Properties.AutoSearchColumnIndex = 1;
                   lookUpEdit_Dest.EditValueChanged += new EventHandler(lookUpEdit_Dest_EditValueChanged);

这是奇怪的,因为当我使用<条码>时,公费_Ordre()就不焚烧<条码>。 活动Handler(lookUpEdit_Dest_EditValueChanged);;但当我使用<代码>时,公共Fiche_Ordre(string OrderID),它确实向活动主管开火。



 public partial class Le_MainForm : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
        public Le_MainForm()

            this.Name = "MainUSER";

            if (Program.IsFA) barButtonItem_OrdList.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraBars.BarItemVisibility.Never;


 private void barButtonItem_CreatOrdreAller_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            Program.AllerRetour = "Ordre Aller";
            Fiche_Ordre f_Fiche = new Fiche_Ordre();



public partial class Liste_Ordres : Le_MainForm

     private void Liste_DobleClic(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    Program.OrderId = gridView_Liste_Ordres.GetFocusedRowCellValue("NO_ORDRE").ToString();
                    Fiche_Ordre f_Fiche = new Fiche_Ordre(gridView_Liste_Ordres.GetFocusedRowCellValue("NO_ORDRE").ToString());
                catch (Exception excThrown)


PS:第一座建筑商只是制造新的空白页,第二座建筑商是创建NOT New(Edit页面),这样就通过背书并填补了所有控制(文本箱、电传等)。


<代码>EditValueChangedprocesss is ted in the first line of Constuct_Page。 因此,它只为改动发射 > >>>> 编码>Constuct_Page。 该编码在<代码>......>部分中是否有改动? 它就像过度简化的投机一样,但值得双管齐下。


public Fiche_Ordre(string OrderID) : this.Fiche_Ordre()
  // invokes the other constructor first, so they re guaranteed
  // do be equivalent in the first part

  Pers_Ordre oPersOrdr = oOrder_BL.Get_OrdreOne_BL(ClientID,
    Convert.ToInt32(OrderID), false);

  // ...



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