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原标题:Facebook API - Looking for details on individual posts
  • 时间:2012-04-30 15:11:16
  •  标签:
  • facebook
  • api

我期望看到是否可能从个别员额中提取数据。 我期望每天把这一数据带上商业页。 从每日数据来看,我想每周提交报告,比较过去几周的数据。


  • Activity / How many times was each indidual post viewed
  • Posts that lead to a subscription / like
  • Posts that lead to unsubscribe / unlike
  • The number of people that have hidden an individual post


You have two ways to access it: the Insights object or the Insights fql table. Using that you can load statistics about your page using specific metrics, in the fql table doc. the ones that you care about (based on your question) starts in Page Posts and then you have Stories and People talking about this, Impressions and Engagement.





You can make sure that the user use your app while you authenticate him using the Server-Side auth flow, which will results in 60 days token, save that and you can run that program daily for the next 60 days. When the token has expired the user will have to again use your app to authenticate and create a new valid token.



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