English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do I hash the admin password in my Users table?


Using SQL Server 2008 R2


Example: Table called users, with entry of admin, password is sha1( password )


Use HASHBYTES and specify SHA1 as the algorithm. Example:

SELECT HASHBYTES( SHA1 , @password);


See here: Preferred Method of Storing Passwords In Database


请注意,上述任何内容都不是储存密码的斜体。 利用PBKDF2(PKCS #5, RFC2898),多次张贴salted><>>> /em>密码(OWASP建议2012年为64 000倍,每2年翻一番)。 理想的情况是,它储存着随机的每个用户盐,但时间不一。

Even better, bounce the proposed password against a list of known bad passwords, ideally with basic cracking rules already applied (1337 speak translation), so "P@$$w0rd" isn t allowed.

See the OWASP Password Storage Cheat Sheet: https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=Password_Storage_Cheat_Sheet&setlang=es

加密和洗衣之间存在差异。 加密翻译通常使用电离层的便衣物,可以向原始投入逆转,但不能向原始投入逆转。

您请您使用<代码>。 HLMBYTES功能:

DECLARE @YourInput nvarchar(4000);
SELECT @YourInput = CONVERT(nvarchar(4000), dslfdkjLK85kldhnv$n000#knf );


SELECT HASHBYTES( SHA_256 , @YourInput); // SHA 256 or SHA_512

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