English 中文(简体)
原标题:References in VB.net and Basic Programming


Public Class PriceListDetails
    Dim pricelist As BSPLib.PriceLists.PriceList
    Dim IsReadOnly1 As Boolean

    Public Sub New(ByVal IsReadonly2 As Boolean)

          This call is required by the designer.

          Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

         Readonly prevents from Modifying/Saving
        IsReadOnly1 = IsReadonly
    End Sub
End Class

是否必须创立ReadyOnly1和ReadyOnly2, 是否有办法将参数从新的方法移至ReadyOnly1 是否直接与参考类型类似?



如果不告诉你的含义,现行法典就无法编纂。 这意味着:

Private IsReadOnly As Boolean

Public Sub New(ByVal IsReadOnly As Boolean)
    Me.IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly
End Sub



设置具有建筑参数的成员,在欧佩组织中相当常见。 然而,如果你使用公共财产,你也可以使用目标初始器:

Dim priceList1 = New PriceListDetails With {.IsReadOnly = True}


如果你想要复制这一提法,你也需要两种变数。 你只能参考《公约》。

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