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Configache HTTP服务器
原标题:Config Apache HTTP Server for Eclipse


首先,作为其他服务器,我要界定新的服务器。 因此,在Eclipse,我去:Windows>P参比;Server:

(1) 我在名单上增加新的服务器时,没有Pharma HTTP服务器的类别。 Just hasache Tomcat. 因此,我点击下载了额外的服务器调适器和软件;停电没有列入清单。

2) 因此,我搜查。 我指的是我安装的所在地点。 良好,Eclipse 认为这是一种吉大港定居区服务器。 而Eclipse则看到把项目投入到我身上(因为我使用LAMP,因此在阿帕奇的盒子中翻了一番)。

但这里是我的问题。 当我想管理一个新的项目时。 右瞄,在服务器上运行。 一个新的方言似乎让我选择哪一个服务器运行。 而且,在服务器名单上,没有吉大港山区服务器,因此,我不知道如何选择阿帕奇·吉普特服务器! (because Eclipse don t see which的服务器 that I have defined, eclipse only que Adaptationer first)

因此,如果我想要实施这一项目,我就必须把所有和过去都复制到阿帕奇多。 !




阿帕奇斯吉大港山区服务器和Eclipse没有相互沟通。 Windows->、P参比->的服务器是Java服务器,如Tomcat和玻璃鱼。

你们需要做的是界定你在Eclipse的网络项目,然后界定了在httpd上向吉大港定居人士协会服务器提供的同一目录。 书写文件。 或者,自你重新设立以来,在Eclipse中写了一封安东尼奥·多斯蒂尔文,把菲律宾社会工程公司的文件抄送给您的吉大港定居人士。

Edited to add: Here s my Ant script to keep my Eclipse directory and my HTTP directory synchronized. I develop in Windows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="build" default="" basedir=".">
       Synchronize the Eclipse folders and the web site folders
    <!-- Relative location of eclipse folder -->
    <property name="eclipse" value="." />
    <!-- Absolute location of web site folder -->
    <property name="website" value="C:/Presbury UMC/" />

    <!-- Copy new web site files -->
    <copy todir="${eclipse}">
        <fileset file="${website}/index.php"/>
    <copy todir="${eclipse}/css">
        <fileset dir="${website}/css"/>
    <copy todir="${eclipse}/images">
        <fileset dir="${website}/images"/>
    <copy todir="${eclipse}/protected">
        <fileset dir="${website}/protected/">
            <exclude name="yiic*"/>
            <exclude name=".htaccess"/>
    <copy todir="${eclipse}/themes">
        <fileset dir="${website}/themes"/>

    <!-- Copy new Eclipse files -->
    <copy todir="${website}">
        <fileset file="${eclipse}/index.php"/>
    <copy todir="${website}/css">
        <fileset dir="${eclipse}/css"/>
    <copy todir="${website}/images">
        <fileset dir="${eclipse}/images"/>
    <copy todir="${website}/protected">
        <fileset dir="${eclipse}/protected/"/>
    <copy todir="${website}/themes">
           <fileset dir="${eclipse}/themes/"/>

Go to apache>conf>httpd.conf file and open it.Below "ServerName localhost:80" change your document root and directory to your working directory(in eclipse it is workspace).Now you can run your php file/project by typing its full url in any browser or if you want to run it through eclipse you have to configure that run also by synchronizing both server copy and local copy(in this case both are same)in mapping tab.


  1. Say your AMP Server is installed in C:AMP then your PHP files are in C:AMPwww if you stick to using a standard configuration.
  2. In Eclipse you must have the PDT (PHP development tool) and SDK installed. If not get it using the Eclipse Install new software feature. With PDT installed you can create a PHP project. Say you create a PHP project PHP001. By default Eclipse would store the sources for your project PHP001 in a subfolder of your Eclipse workpace, like ..workspacePHP001. This is where you need to change the location to C:AMPwww.
  3. PHP001 shows in the Eclipse Projects view. You ll see it already shows the PHP files that you have in your wwww folder.
  4. To add a PHP file, right-click your PHP project, then New PHP file.
  5. To execute a PHP file, right-click it, Run as, then PHP Web application. Here again Eclipse will propose to start something like localhost/PHP001/your-php-file.php; you need to remove PHP001 level and submit localhost/your-php-file.php instead.

如果你在项目中制造大量测试文件,那么这种情况可能会变得非常严重,在这种情况下,你可能想在电子文件夹中开发你的实验室,并且只有在使用吉尔伯特·勒布兰斯方法完成时才能将其复制到www . 。



sudo ln -s path_to_your_conf .

在现场,你能够与现有地点(或使用2号指示:Dédo a2ensite example.com.conf.)的公交档案建立象征性的联系。

In windows you can also create a symbolic link: google for the command mklink



因此,我不敢肯定,这将在窗口中发挥作用,但如果这样做的话,对我来说,这是开发任何网络项目的最容易的方法。 保持你在源头上的需要,并保持你在实际服务器上所能做的同样方式(我使用一些部署,并用文字来做到这一点,但这是我所熟知的概念,对我有利。

Quite some time ago, that this question has been asked, but here is how I handle this:

I develop some web application (with a Python CGI backend and the usual database store) on Windows and run Apache 2.2 httpd.exe from it s standard installation path C:Program Files (x86)Apache Software FoundationApache2.2in

我更希望有一个经过调整的httpd.conf(Windows上的现有地点为~confhttpd.conf),用于项目I, 类似于“debug”。

启动/停机是使用外部工具操作器的人工操作。 如果你希望有<条码>(http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/Fr/latestf.pdf)的话,你甚至可以在那里提出所有必要的指挥线选择。 加上您的项目或愿添加其他选择,如伐木停下来(然后是Eclipse console即窗口)和伐木在<代码>上存档。

you can download Ant ,then go to your project go on run as,there will be two options 1.Ant build 2.Ant build,choose the second one check the box of war(generate war),your build will be generated and your war will be created ,put this .war file in the webapps folder of your apache server. Hope it helps

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