English 中文(简体)
1. 在传单上用 j子制作标签
原标题:Create a label using jQuery on the fly

I need to create a label and text field on the fly and also include datepicker for the textfield. I need something like this:

<label for="from">From </label> <input type="text" id="from" name="from" />


var label = $("<label>").attr( for , "from");   
                    label.html( Date:   +
                         <input type="text" id="from name="from" value=""> );

                    $(function() {

这只字不提标签和文字领域。 我不肯定我所缺的。


更确切地说,我是在港口里使用这一工具,我没有在垃圾页上拥有尸体。 因此,当我把这个职务引向它赢得的遗体时。



//Create the label element
var $label = $("<label>").text( Date: );
//Create the input element
var $input = $( <input type="text"> ).attr({id:  from , name:  from });

//Insert the input into the label
//Insert the label into the DOM - replace body with the required position
$( body ).append($label);

//applying datepicker on input

jsFiddle Demo

请注意,如果输入要素在标签上,你不必使用<>>。 因此使用其中一种:

<label><input id="x1"></label>

<label for="x1"></label> <input id="x1">

You will need to attach the label you ve created to the DOM to get it to show:

var label = $("<label>").attr( for , "from");
    label.html( Date:   +
       <input type="text" id="from name="from" value=""> );

label.appendTo( body );

// set up datepicker
label.find( #from ).datepicker();

你试图插入哪里? 如果你在网页一开始就希望,你就能够这样做。

var $label = $("<label>").attr( for , "from");   

$label.html( Date: <input type="text" id="from" name="from" value=""> );

$(function() {
    $( body ).prepend($label);

    $( :input , $label).datepicker();

1) You are missing closing quote at the end of the ID attribute.
2) You didn t append the label itself to anything.

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