English 中文(简体)
• 如何把菜单项行为改变为“对 h变化背景”和“Twitter Boots”?
原标题:How to change menu item behavior as "on hover change background", with Twitter Bootstrap?

As you see on default twitter bootstrap navbar menu only the active menu item s background is different then other. What I want is when I m on a menu item, I want the background to be changed to another color. The bottom line, I should act as active one when I m on hover of the menu item. How can I do this?



.dropdown-menu li a:hover {background-color:red;}



您须在座右上添加一条直线或不同的背面。 如果您能接触到你必须使用吉克语。 这是否回答了你的问题。


.navbar .nav > a:hover {background-color:#f60;}



Don t change posts Screen.css。 创建另一个<条码>cs文档,以压倒一切。 无论如何,该线是4572:

.dropdown-menu li > a:hover, .dropdown-menu li > a:focus, .dropdown-submenu:hover > a

Set background-image to no, and background-color to whatever则 Hope.

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