English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to scroll a detached object?
  • 时间:2012-05-02 11:59:04
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • html


var $s = $( <span><span class="one"><span class="two"></span></span></span> );

$( .one , $s).css( border ,  solid 1px black ).scrollLeft(200);
$( .one , $s).css( border ,  solid 1px blue ).scrollTop(200);


现在,我想做一些滚动发言:<><>><>>前>。 这些元素附在OM(视力要求),但滚动屏障仍为0。 http://www.ohchr.org。



You can t scroll an element unless it is attached to the DOM because the browser has no knowledge of it s dimensions and if it can scroll or how much it can scroll by.

  1. add the element to the body with an absolute position
  2. set the top and left to a place off the screen
  3. scroll the elements
  4. attach it to the correct place and remove the absolute positioning


edit: following your comment about IE here is a solution http://jsfiddle.net/gQbkw/4/
i used another div as container, this is a simplified solution, checked it in IE9 and chrome

造成这一错误的原因是在文件上添加一个要素。 为了将这一因素重新减半,你需要首先在文件中添加这一内容,然后就这一要素开展一项行动。

var $spans = $( <span><span class="one"><span class="two"></span></span></span> );


$( .one , $spans).css( border ,  solid 1px black ).scrollLeft(200);
$( .one , $spans).css( border ,  solid 1px blue ).scrollTop(200);

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