English 中文(简体)
原标题:Ant task to filter JARs for zip file and manifest
  • 时间:2012-05-01 12:36:59
  •  标签:
  • java
  • ant
  • jar

我有一份Ant案,我在那里正在编造一个齐普案卷和几个JAR档案的明证。 斜坡和明显参照的是相同的图书馆,但略有不同。 如果可能的话,我想把提及档案的内容合并起来,而不是明确地写两篇,而同时在这两个任务中引用这些文件。 以下是我目前所做工作的例子。

<target name="zip" depends="default">
  <zip destfile="${dist.dir}/${project.name}_v${project.version}.zip">
    <zipfileset prefix="lib" dir="lib/Dom4J" includes="*.jar"/>
    <zipfileset prefix="lib" dir="lib/GSON" includes="*.jar"/>
    <zipfileset prefix="lib" dir="lib/Guava" includes="*.jar"/>
    <!-- ... A bunch more (Note I don t want everything 
             in the lib directory, just certain subfolders 
             within the lib directory which are explicitly 
             listed here like GSON. -->

<target name="createManifest">
   <!-- Hard code the classpath by hand and hope 
        they sync up with the zip task -->
   <property name="mfClasspath" 
             value="dom4j-1.6.1.jar gson-2.1.jar guava-11.0.2.jar" />
   <!-- Code to use the mfClasspath when creating the manifest 
        omitted for brevity -->

理想的情况是,我可在这两项任务中参考的某种类型的<代码>>>。 注:该清单不含任何文件夹/带。 该清单仅载有在<代码>zip任务中提及的名录内发现的JAR档案。


You are right. You can accomplish this with a common fileset shared by both the zip and createManifest tasks. For the zip task, copy the files to a temporary location and then zip them up.

关于<代码>createManifest的任务,使用特性替代物,将文件夹从中删除。 特征-替代战略在“,则您可使用 rel=“nofollow noreferer”简化下文的特性-替代算法。 不动产 页: 1

<project default="all">
    <fileset id="jars" dir=".">
        <include name="lib/Dom4J/dom4j-1.6.1.jar" />
        <include name="lib/GSON/gson-2.1.jar" />
        <include name="lib/Guava/guava-11.0.2.jar" />

    <target name="zip">
        <copy todir="tmp.dir" flatten="true">
            <fileset refid="jars" />
        <zip destfile="example.zip">
            <zipfileset dir="tmp.dir" prefix="lib" />
        <delete dir="tmp.dir" />

    <target name="createManifest">
        <property name="jars.property" refid="jars" />
        <echo message="${jars.property}" file="some.tmp.file" />
        <loadfile property="mfClasspath" srcFile="some.tmp.file">
                    <replaceregex pattern="(?:[^;/]+/)+?([^;/]+.jar)"
                        replace="1" flags="g" />
                    <replacestring from=";" to=" " />
        <delete file="some.tmp.file" />

    <target name="all" depends="zip, createManifest">
        <echo message="$${jars.property} = &quot;${jars.property}&quot;" />
        <echo message="$${mfClasspath} = &quot;${mfClasspath}&quot;" />


Buildfile: /workspace/StackOverflow/build.xml
      [zip] Building zip: /workspace/StackOverflow/example.zip
   [delete] Deleting directory /workspace/StackOverflow/tmp.dir
   [delete] Deleting: /workspace/StackOverflow/some.tmp.file
     [echo] ${jars.property} = "lib/Dom4J/dom4j-1.6.1.jar;lib/GSON/gson-2.1.jar;lib/Guava/guava-11.0.2.jar"
     [echo] ${mfClasspath} = "dom4j-1.6.1.jar gson-2.1.jar guava-11.0.2.jar"
Total time: 675 milliseconds

另外,example.zip 载有下列条目:

  • lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar
  • lib/gson-2.1.jar
  • lib/guava-11.0.2.jar


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