We re working on an OSGi-based infrastructure for processing stream-based data flows. Specific processing tasks are executed by individual OSGi components. We now need the possibility to distribute those components over different machines, which means, we need some kind of communication mechanism between OSGi components/containers.
在我的研究期间 我遇到了不同的可能解决办法:R-OSGi,Patricia CXF,用于分发OSGi, Eclipse Communication Framework。
ECF似乎特别令人感兴趣,因为它支持不同的运输方式,支持像服务发现这样的 st。
- Are there any detailed tutorials/walk-throughs for setting up an ECF infrastructure within Felix? (from my research, I found, that Felix support has been added recently)
- Are there any solutions besides the three listed above which I might have missed?
- Is there a reason for taking Apache CXF instead of ECF?