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Java JDBC with PostgreSQL: preparedStatestate Execute with Add Column Query Mohammad false
原标题:Java JDBC with PostgreSQL: PreparedStatement Execute with Add Column Query returns false


PreparedStatement  ps = con.prepareStatement(query);  

问 问 问 题(validkou)

ALTER TABLE mytable ADD COLUMN mycolumn datatypeinfo

无论如何,它执行罚款,并设立一栏。 但执行声明有误。 我以处决方式进行了审判,返回人数为零。

Note that this whole thing is within a transaction with con.setAutoCommit set to false. So I am not sure if that is the problem. The issue is that I have to create the column before I can go ahead with other update queries. So it has to run in a transaction.


The return value of execute() does not indicate whether it was successful, but if the query that was run returned a result.

由于不退还结果,execute(> 正确返回false

Quote from the Javadocs :

Returns:trueif the first result is a Result 物体:false 如果第一个结果是最新数字,或没有结果



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