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原标题:How to downsample images in a pdf (iOS)?
  • 时间:2012-05-03 01:10:12
  •  标签:
  • ios
  • pdf


Check out the Apple sample code project Large Image Downsizing. You can modify that sample to render a PDF page (instead of an image), yet benefit from the same incremental down sampling. You can define a target resolution, and the entire source document is never attempted to be loaded into memory all at once. Instead, the destination PDF rendering is assembled in an incremental fashion, at the target resolution defined by you. You can do this regardless of what the source resolution actually is.

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如“RepMe”样本所述,在 app、光机或其他地方(例如下载的“OTA”)可以存在来源的PDF。

In addition, I modified the sample to support PDF. You can download it here. In my tests, the destination PDF is rendered at the proper target resolution, including any text, glyph or vector elements as you d expect.

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