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原标题:I need help in PHP with seeing if an integer is Positive or negative [closed]
  • 时间:2012-05-03 01:09:00
  •  标签:
  • php


书写一种称为<代码>sPositive的PHP功能,该功能包含一个参数,即当愤怒呈阳性时,即为愤怒和回报。 顺便说一句,正数是零。

这就是我需要做的事。 我尝试了不同的事,然而,如果我的人数是正面的还是消极的,我却没什么要试。



function isPositive($val = NULL)    // Add default to save php errors if nothing is passed
    if ((int)$val)          // type cast for security
            if ($val >= 0)
                    return TRUE;


function isPositive($number = NULL)
    if ($number = <0)
        return true;
        return false;







BONUS:你如何处理零? 它是积极的还是消极的?

function isPositive($number) {
    return is_numeric($number) && ($number >= 0);

页: 1 如果你只想为愤怒者工作的话。 让我们看看看你的职能有什么错误:

function isPositive($val = NULL)    // Add default to save php errors if nothing is passed
    if ((int)$val)          // type cast for security
            if ($val >= 0)
                    return TRUE;
  1. You don t return anything if any of the two clauses fail, there should be a return false; somewhere in there. Your function returns NULL if any of the clauses fail, NULL !== false.
  2. if ((int)$val) is completely wrong. You are checking if the type casting worked or not? That s not useful, what you need to check is if $val is an number or an integer, the simplest way to do that is with is_int, is_float and is_numeric. Check their manual pages for more.
  3. ($val = NULL) is completely unnecessary. You want PHP to throw an error when someone is not using the function correctly.


$int = (int)-2;

function test( $int ){

    return (bool) ( $int >= 0 );

var_dump(test( $int ));
function NegativeOrNot($number)
    if ($number >= 0)
        return true;
        return false;

Very simple.

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