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原标题:Can you have multiple tags with xml tag having CDATA section?
  • 时间:2012-05-03 21:37:28
  •  标签:
  • xml
  • cdata



 <book category="COOKING">  
   <title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title>  
   <author>Giada De Laurentiis</author>  
   <![CDATA[<<port>url=  https://localhost:8080<port>]]>

我认为,当处理该问题时,整个谈判方被视为《空运公约》。 你们能否在有CDATA的标签内使用其他标签? 我没有找到任何在线样本。


首先,你似乎不清楚“主角”是什么。 为此:


有两个标的:起始标的<a>和终点标的</a>。 《欧洲自由贸易协定》的章节不是“一面”,而是两面。

So when you say the entire tag is considered as CDATA I think you mean the entire content between the tags is considered as CDATA ; and yes, that is correct. And when you say Can you use other tags inside a tag having CDATA? I think you mean can you have tags inside a CDATA section? , and the answer is no: the only point of using a CDATA section is to prevent any angle brackets inside the section being recognized as markup.



在您的案例中,<<port>url=https:// localhost:808080<port>。 不能认为XML含有标签,而只是简单案文。

If you d like to have a port element containing a CDATA section you should modify your line to


If you look at the definition of a CDATA section all content between the opening <![CDATA[ and closing ]]> tag is considered text input and no processing is done on the information at all.


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