I m试图将一些 Apple体代码(从SquareCam
, 例)转换到ARC。 我的“ Apple果法”被打上了记号,将其编成非非洲钻石委员会,但我却在把非非洲钻石委员会的情况与阿农发委的情况相传,从而试图解决这一问题。
NSNumber *orientation = CMGetAttachment(imageDataSampleBuffer, kCGImagePropertyOrientation, NULL);
页: 1 CIDetectorImageOrientation key Value (CoreImage face identification). 我将ARC的错误定在后面,我没有试图解决这一问题。 “imageData SampleBuffer”为CMSampleBufferRef
What is the correct way to convert the CFTypeRef to the NSNumber I need? - Thanks!
Implicit conversion of a non-Objective-C pointer type CFTypeRef (aka const void * ) to NSNumber * is disallowed with ARC