English 中文(简体)
Intercept XMLHttpRequest and Russia responseText
原标题:Intercept XMLHttpRequest and modify responseText


如果当地储存已经提供数据,则该数据试图接收,便可浏览XMLHttpRequest,并将当地储存的数据反馈到数据的成功/反馈方法中。 Assume I对AJAX现有备用方法没有控制。

I had originally tried the following idea..

var send = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(data){
   //Do some stuff in here to modify the responseText
   send.call(this, data);


然后,我尝试退一步,写上我自己的全本土代理人,以XMLHttpRequest,最终完成我自己版本的本土方法。 类似于这里讨论的内容......



任何建议? 这样做是否可行?


// firefox, ie8+ 
var accessor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(XMLHttpRequest.prototype,  responseText );

Object.defineProperty(XMLHttpRequest.prototype,  responseText , {
	get: function() {
		console.log( get responseText );
		return accessor.get.call(this);
	set: function(str) {
		console.log( set responseText: %s , str);
		//return accessor.set.call(this, str);
	configurable: true

// chrome, safari (accessor == null)
var rawOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;

XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function() {
	if (!this._hooked) {
		this._hooked = true;
	rawOpen.apply(this, arguments);

function setupHook(xhr) {
	function getter() {
		console.log( get responseText );

		delete xhr.responseText;
		var ret = xhr.responseText;
		return ret;

	function setter(str) {
		console.log( set responseText: %s , str);

	function setup() {
		Object.defineProperty(xhr,  responseText , {
			get: getter,
			set: setter,
			configurable: true

The following script perfectly intercept the data before sending via XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send

(function(send) { 

        XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(data) { 

            this.addEventListener( readystatechange , function() { 

            }, false); 




我认为,为了拦截<条码>XMLHttpRequest的回复,将采用一种更现代的解决办法,将原XMLHttpRequest和在<条码>>>>上将其搁置。 反对:

const { interceptXhrResponse } = (function () {
  let interceptionRules = [];

   * Function to intercept responses for given URL patterns
   * @param {RegExp} urlPattern - Regular expression to match the (canonicalized) URL
   * @param {Function} responseHandler - Function to handle the intercepted response
  function interceptXhrResponse(urlPattern, responseHandler) {
    interceptionRules.push({ urlPattern, responseHandler });

  // Function to find specific handler for the URL and return modified response
  function handleInterceptedResponse(response, url) {
    const interceptionRule = interceptionRules.find(({ urlPattern }) =>

    if (interceptionRule) {
      const { responseHandler } = interceptionRule;
      return responseHandler(response, url);

    return response;

  const OriginalXMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest;

  class XMLHttpRequest extends OriginalXMLHttpRequest {
    get responseText() {
      // If the request is not done, return the original responseText
      if (this.readyState !== 4) {
        return super.responseText;

      return handleInterceptedResponse(super.responseText, this.responseURL);

    get response() {
      // If the request is not done, return the original response
      if (this.readyState !== 4) {
        return super.response;

      return handleInterceptedResponse(super.response, this.responseURL);

  window.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;

  return { interceptXhrResponse };

上限代码显示<代码>interceptXhrResponse<>code>功能,使您能够以定期表述和相应的回复手写明URL型号。 你可以把你想要的手里的东西回去,改变对策。


interceptXhrResponse(/.+/, (response, url) => {
  return `Response of ${url}: Intercepted. Original response length: ${String(response).length}`


const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.open( GET ,  https://stackoverflow.com/404 )
xhr.onloadend = () => {


Response of https://stackoverflow.com/404: Intercepted. Original response length: 63486

被接受的回答是,直到最近,由于某种原因,我才在Twitter上工作。 这里是另一个行之有效的:

        var open_prototype = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open
        unsafeWindow.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function() {
            this.addEventListener( readystatechange , function(event) {
                if ( this.readyState === 4 ) {
                    var response = event.target.responseText.replaceAll("a", "b");
                    Object.defineProperty(this,  response , {writable: true});
                    Object.defineProperty(this,  responseText , {writable: true});
                    this.response = this.responseText = response;
            return open_prototype.apply(this, arguments);

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