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Regex and RSS Feed
原标题:Regex and RSS Feed

i write a simple Rss Feed reader now i have this problem, in the item description i have the text but this text have this caracters <br/> for example

“my dog <br/>为黑体,他<br/>停留在表格上:“


private static String IsMatch(String s, String pattern) {
    try {
        Pattern patt = Pattern.compile(pattern);
        Matcher matcher = patt.matcher(s);
        return matcher.group();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      return "Error";
    } }


String regex ="[<br/>]";


...... 但这种方法总是不可逆转的。 谁能告诉我问题是什么?

best regads Antonio


The problem is that you never invoke find() on your matcher. You must invoke find() before invoking group() (and test that find() returns true).

我不知道您的“密码”方法是什么? 既然如此,它要么将相应(例如,<br/>>,假定你援引find( before)“Error”

Also, don t put the brackets around <br/> in your regexp, they are not needed.

I wouls really consider using replace instead of regexp for your purposes:

String s = "my dog <br/> is black and he <br/> stay on table ".replace("<br/>","");

作为一项建议,不作例外处理。 它们提供了不应隐藏的宝贵信息。 当问题发生时,它确实很难做到。

String regex ="(<br/>)";

I think you need to pay attention to the grammar details about the regular expression: 1. escape the "<" like special characters


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