English 中文(简体)
原标题:Makefile improvements, dependency generation not functioning




读写能力越好,全书就破碎。 如果有任何改进之处,我将不胜感激。


CXX = g++
           -p -g -pg
LDFLAGS =  -p -g -pg

Afaik 这应当罚款。 最好使貌相标志成为选择性的标志,但这并非重要。

SRC_DIR = ./src
OBJ_DIR = ./obj
SRC_EXT = .cpp
OBJ_EXT = .o

TARGET = ./bin/my_target

SRCS = $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*$(SRC_EXT))
OBJS = $(subst $(SRC_DIR), $(OBJ_DIR), $(SRCS:$(SRC_EXT)=$(OBJ_EXT)))
DEP = depend.main


.PHONY: clean all depend

all: $(TARGET)

    @echo "-> linking $@"
    @$(CXX) $^ $(LDFLAGS) -o $@

    @echo "-> compiling $@"
    @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@


    @echo "removing objects and main file"
    @rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET)    


    $(CXX) $(DEPFLAGS) -MT 
    "$(subst $(SRC_DIR),$(OBJ_DIR),$(subst $(SRC_EXT),$(OBJ_EXT),$@))" 
    $(addprefix ,$@) >> $(DEP);

    @echo "-> (re-)building dependencies";
    @$(RM) $(DEP)

depend: clear_dependencies $(SRCS)

This is the non-functional part. What I intend to do is using the g++ Compiler flag -MM to auto-create dependencies and using -MT to use a different path than the default one. The resulting dependency should look like

./obj/main.o: ./src/main.cpp ./src/some_header_file.h

Unfortunately, this will never be called and I lack the knowledge why this is the case. In a similar question, user Beta gladly provided a temporary solution by adding a .Phony but this has the side effect on rebuilding every object without any change.


-include $(DEP)


Any answer providing some hints about any part are very welcome. So my question is: What can I do better or maybe "cleaner" and why doesn t the dependency generation work?



Assign simply supplemented 变量 在可能的情况下:

SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*$(SRC_EXT))

http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Flavors”rel=“noreferer” • 手册:

Another disadvantage [of recursively expanded variables] is that any functions referenced in the definition will be executed every time the variable is expanded. This makes make run slower; worse, it causes the wildcard and shell functions to give unpredictable results because you cannot easily control when they are called, or even how many times.

http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Substitution-Refs” rel=“noreferer”>substitution参引文件patsubst=<>=将来源转化为物体:


具体说明汇编模式规则的适当先决条件。 这是mandatory,以更新贵国的物体档案并更新其来源变化。

    @echo "-> compiling $@"
    @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<

收集来源,同时为它们编制扶养档案。 使用<条码>-MMD -MP 旗帜,以便做事(将其附在上)。


-include $(OBJS:$(OBJ_EXT)=.d)



-MD is equivalent to -M -MF file, except that -E is not implied. The driver determines file based on whether an -o option is given. If it is, the driver uses its argument but with a suffix of .d, otherwise it takes the name of the input file, removes any directory components and suffix, and applies a .d suffix.

-MD 仅提及用户负责人档案,而不是系统负责人档案。


这一办法指示民防部队在主要档案之外增加每个受抚养人的电话目标,使每个受抚养人都无从依赖。 如果你在不更新<代码>Makefile的情况下删除标题档案,则这些定律规则围绕错误开展工作。

Also consider studying this article of Paul Smith (he is a maintainer of GNU Make). It gives a rather good overview of different autodep-generation approaches.



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