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原标题:Get nested properties out in a list - using Index

我正试图获得利用RavenDB的MVC传闻的所有名字清单。 因此,我期待着在一份文件中从被封锁的物体中点名的人名单上登记......

Sample RavenDB 文件:

    "City": "NY",

    "Theaters": [
            "TheaterName": "TheaterA",
            "TheaterId": "Theater/1693",
            "Description": ""               
            "TheaterName": "TheaterB",
            "TheaterId": "Theater/16393",
            "Description": ""               

指数(GetCity Theaters Index):

    .Select(doc => new {Theaters = doc.Theaters, City= doc.City})


 var query =  


我如何操纵上述变数的“频率”,以获得一份简剧清单,现在,上述代码使我获得一份全书的“频率”。 我需要能够把nes物体中的“星号”划入一个清单。 感谢任何帮助。





public class CityTheaters : AbstractIndexCreationTask<City>
    public class Result
        public string Name { get; set; }

    public CityTheaters()
        Map = cities => from city in cities
                        from theater in city.Theaters
                        select new

        Store(x => x.Name, FieldStorage.Yes);


var results = session.Query<City, CityTheaters>()


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