All: I am facing a problem here, my app is composed by some jar files and some other files, they are all located in one directory. I am planning to implement an auto-update feature. When the app know there is a new version on the server, it will download a zip file to temp directory. After downloading, it will ask customer if he d like to install it. If yes, my app will exit and I need to unzip the zip file and overwrite all files in the original directory. Now I am wondering:
我怎么能够回避档案并 over灭目录? 创建文字(这意味着我需要书写视窗的批量和其他平台的批量)? a. 创建支薪阶层,以做到这一点?
一旦完成这项工作,我如何删除安装装置? 在新版本何时开始时,将其保存在温床上并加以检查?
From later comments:
I know JWS is a good choice, but for reason "my boss denied", I can t use it.