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原标题:"Timezone less events" migration for Facebook


“由于这种移徙最初是创造的,我们增加了一个时间区领域,以表明预期会发生这种事件的时间区的名称(此处界定)。 FYI,即ISO 8601中的开发商阅读时间,在阅读活动时应当支持整个标准。 大部分活动都回过了当地时间(没有全球监测方案抵消),但今后的活动可能还回其他形式(即:仅日期和准确)。

It works for dates in ISO 8601 format but if I get dates in epoch format I always get +7 hrs difference.


https://graph.facebook.com/369000383135224 回返

  "id": "369000383135224",
  "owner": {
    "name": "Horst Uwe Peter",
    "id": "1117563687"
  "name": "Event in Dublin time 10:25",
  "start_time": "2012-05-04T10:25:00",
  "end_time": "2012-05-04T11:25:00",
  "timezone": "Europe/Dublin",
  "location": "Dublin, Irel以及",
  "venue": {
    "id": "110769888951990"
  "privacy": "FRIENDS",
  "updated_time": "2012-05-04T09:27:29+0000",
  "type": "event"


http://graph.facebook.com/3690003135224?date_format=U 回返

  "id": "369000383135224",
  "owner": {
    "name": "Horst Uwe Peter",
    "id": "1117563687"
  "name": "Event in Dublin time 10:25",
  "start_time": 1336152300, <== Fri, 04 May 2012 17:25:00 GMT
  "end_time": 1336155900, <== Fri, 04 May 2012 18:25:00 GMT 
  "timezone": "Europe/Dublin",
  "location": "Dublin, Irel以及",
  "venue": {
    "id": "110769888951990"
  "privacy": "FRIENDS",
  "updated_time": 1336123649,
  "type": "event"

以及 with FQL using GRAPH end point

页: 1 WHERE eid = 369000383135224

  "data": [
      "eid": 369000383135224,
      "name": "Event in Dublin time 10:25",
      "description": "",
      "location": "Dublin, Irel以及",
      "venue": {
        "id": 110769888951990
      "start_time": 1336152300, <== Fri, 04 May 2012 18:25:00 GMT
      "end_time": 1336155900, <== Fri, 04 May 2012 18:25:00 GMT
      "update_time": 1336123649,
      "creator": 1117563687,
      "privacy": "FRIENDS"

does that mean migration works only for ISO 8601 formatted dates? 以及 has no affect on FQL or epoch date format?




For display I use the following php function to show the correct times and note on the page that the times are local to the event s location:

function fb_event_time_convert($fb_time) {
$origin_dtz = new DateTimeZone( UTC );
$remote_dtz = new DateTimeZone( America/Los_Angeles );
$fb_time_str =  @  . $fb_time;
$origin_dt = new DateTime($fb_time_str, $origin_dtz);
$remote_dt = new DateTime($fb_time_str, $remote_dtz);
$offset = $origin_dtz->getOffset($origin_dt) - $remote_dtz->getOffset($remote_dt);
return $fb_time - $offset;

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