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原标题:How can I check if my div tags fields are null or not and if its null do something with Jquery

I have 5 div tags with the same class. Each div tag has a textbox and a dropdownlist with numbers.


$step is an array with all of my div tags.

var $step = $(".wizard-step2:visible");

我的文箱有一门<条码>Comment,我的博士生有一门<条码>。 Grade。



var Comment = $step.find(".Comment").val();
var Grade = $step.find(".Grade").val();

for (var i = 0; i < $step.length; i++) {
    if (Comment != null && Grade > 0) { {
        // do this
    } else {
        alert("You must enter both fields");


I think that I did not explain my question well, my code works like all of the answers I got on this question. I dont want to make this if statement to check each div tag. I want to be able to check if all of the div tags have any empty fields do something " else if all the div tags fields are filled do something.

Users are allowed to leave the fields empty, but if all of the div tags fields are filled do something.

I do not want to do a if statement for each div tag, I want to do a if statement if all the div tags have any empty fields or if all are field.

请允许我说,我有5个tag子。 我已经填满了其中4个,当我填满了最后5个小批。 在此,我希望“做些什么”,否则就不应该发生。 我原想的是,如果在填满的第1号、第2号、第3号、第4号等地上填写声明,如果在第5号填满时作出声明,那么所有四级标的填满,就不必做任何事情。


2. 选择每一类的填充成分,并使用由此产生的甄选时间进行测试:

var $step = $(".wizard-step2:visible");

// returns true if the element s value is not null
function filled() {
    return !!this.value;

// count the number of non-empty elements
var n_step     = $step.length; 
var n_comments = $step.find( .Comment ).filter(filled).length;
var n_grades   = $step.find( .Grade   ).filter(filled).length;

if (n_comments === n_step && n_grades === n_step) {
     // all filled
} else if (n_comments === 0 && n_grades === 0) {
     // all empty
} else {
     // mixed - do nothing


    var Comment = $(this).find(".Comment").val();
    var Grade = $(this).find(".Grade").val();

    if (Comment !=    && Grade > 0) {
        // do this
    } else {
        alert("You must enter both fields");


    var isCommentEmpty = $(this).find(".comment").val().length == 0;
        alert( Comment on div   + count +   is empty! ;


    var bOK, Comment, Grade ;
        Comment = $(this).find(".Comment").val();
        Grade = $(this).find(".Grade").val();
if(put your condition here)
else {
bOK = false;
return false
// Now test your condition with bOK

您应使用jQuery each(>),在$(>wizard-pan2:visible” range of divs.

查阅http://jsfiddle.net/95377/1/“rel=”nofollow>jsFiddle i 为显示你如何能够实现这一目标而创建的场所


这里是jsFiddle代码的 j子: ——

$( .wizard-step2:visible ).each(function(){

    var txtBox = $(this).find( .comment );
    var Select = $(this).find( .Grade );
    var thisDiv = $(this).attr( id );

    if(txtBox.val().length > 0 && Select.val().length > 0)
        alert("values for " +thisDiv+ " are fine");
        alert("please fill in both values for " + thisDiv);

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