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• 将“咖啡”项目转至 Java(无污染)? [闭门]
原标题:Convert a CoffeeScript project to JavaScript (without minification)? [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.

我们重新使用在咖啡厅工作时写成的一条特别的舱位plugin,而I m hoping I能够将该项目转化为较为正常的looking本。 图书馆认为,它的结构确实是好的(好OOP做法),但我真的喜欢它,如果我可以探讨它的来源代码,而不必学习咖啡所带来的一切trick。


将咖啡本编成 Java本,通常会在比较可读的书面材料中产生。 您可以转播关于“Try Campbell”的传单,上面有,有的是通过

There are also tools like decaffeinate that convert CoffeeScript source to modern JavaScript.



There s also this online compiler http://js2coffee.org/ that can convert coffeescript to and from javascript

http://coffeescript.org/ 有一个表格——咖啡厅

左边的咖啡和左边的SJS pops

4. 基本用途: http://coffeescript.org/#usage” rel=“noretinger” 载于《咖啡经典导线》工具,但我认为,我对邮局的实际指挥是:

  • Compile a directory tree of .coffee files in src into a parallel tree of .js files in lib:

    页: 1



You could also try Depercolator which wraps up a bunch of commands together (includes decafinate, cjsx-transform, react-codemod, prettier).

The writeup: https://blog.bugsnag.com/converting-a-large-react-codebase-from-coffeescript-to-es6/ and GH repo: https://github.com/bugsnag/depercolator

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