我们希望我们的客户能够按照我们的标准目标界定习俗领域。 因此,这些领域将以理论为依据,而不是以理论为依据的物体定义的一部分。
我们的第一个想法是利用Nosql(mongodb或amazon dynamodb)储存其中一些数据,但由于我们想利用理论处理我们的核心目标,我们要坚持在理论领域,以实现这一目标,而不必扩大范围以储存这一数据。
one thing on my mind was using doctrine s ability to serialize/unserialize complex objects and just have like a hash of custom field names and their values as an extra property in the object, however, this would not allow us to have a feature that would search these fields if we ever wanted to allow that...