English 中文(简体)
原标题:Paypal error during parameter parsing
  • 时间:2012-05-07 12:52:34
  •  标签:
  • php
  • paypal


TIMESTAMP: 2012-05-07T12:17:49Z CORRELATIONID: 37a2b3f9a2901 ACK: Failure VERSION: 76.0 BUILD: 2860716 L_ERRORCODE0: 10413 L_SHORTMESSAGE0: Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details. L_LONGMESSAGE0: The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts. L_SEVERITYCODE0: Error but I used the following code of orderreview.php during parameter parsing

$personName        = $_REQUEST[ PERSONNAME ];
           $SHIPTOCITY        = $_REQUEST[ SHIPTOCITY ];
           $SHIPTOZIP         = $_REQUEST[ SHIPTOZIP ];
           $count             = $_REQUEST[ COUNT ];
           $shippingch        = $_REQUEST[ shipping_charge ];

           $L_NAME            =  L_NAME ;
           $itemamt = 0.00;
           $itemstr =   ;
           $amtstr =   ;
           $qtystr =   ;
           for($i=0; $i<=$count; $i++){
            $temp_lname =  L_NAME .$i;
            $temp_lamt =  L_AMT .$i;
            $temp_lqty =  L_QTY .$i;

           $$temp_lname     = $_REQUEST[ L_NAME .$i];
           $$temp_lamt            = $_REQUEST[ L_AMT .$i];
           $$temp_lqty           =  $_REQUEST[ L_QTY .$i];
           $itemstr.= &L_NAME .$i. = .$_REQUEST[ L_NAME .$i];
           $amtstr.= &L_AMT .$i. = .$_REQUEST[ L_AMT .$i];
           $qtystr.= &L_QTY .$i. = .$_REQUEST[ L_QTY .$i];

           $returnURL =urlencode($url. /ReviewOrder.php?currencyCodeType= .$currencyCodeType. &paymentType= .$paymentType);
           $cancelURL =urlencode("$url/SetExpressCheckout.php?paymentType=$paymentType" );


           $nvpstr="&ADDRESSOVERRIDE=1$shiptoAddress".$itemstr."".$amtstr."".$qtystr."&MAXAMT=".(string)$maxamt."&AMT=".(string)$amt."&ITEMAMT=".(string)$itemamt."&CALLBACKTIMEOUT=4&L_SHIPPINGOPTIONAMOUNT1=$shippingch&L_SHIPPINGOPTIONlABEL1=UPS Next Day Air&L_SHIPPINGOPTIONNAME1=UPS Air&L_SHIPPINGOPTIONISDEFAULT1=true&L_SHIPPINGOPTIONAMOUNT0=$shippingch&L_SHIPPINGOPTIONLABEL0=UPS Ground 7 Days&L_SHIPPINGOPTIONNAME0=Ground&L_SHIPPINGOPTIONISDEFAULT0=false&INSURANCEAMT=1.00&INSURANCEOPTIONOFFERED=true&CALLBACK=https://www.ppcallback.com/callback.pl&SHIPPINGAMT=$shippingch&SHIPDISCAMT=-3.00&TAXAMT=2.00&L_NUMBER0=1000&L_DESC0=Size: 8.8-oz&L_NUMBER1=10001&L_DESC1=Size: Two 24-piece boxes&L_ITEMWEIGHTVALUE1=0.5&L_ITEMWEIGHTUNIT1=lbs&ReturnUrl=".$returnURL."&CANCELURL=".$cancelURL ."&CURRENCYCODE=".$currencyCodeType."&PAYMENTACTION=".$paymentType;





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