English 中文(简体)
• 如何与Xcode4.3合编的PiPad档案协会合编?
原标题:How to configure iPhone/iPad file associations with Xcode 4.3?


Find the info.plist in the Projectavigator. 地雷属于“支持档案”小组,按申请名称排列(例如MyApp-Info.plist)。 Right-click and “Open As > Property List”。

Then by entering the described sections as follows I was able to be passed a fileURL from Mail: Document TypesExported Type UTIs


  • I did NOT put document icons for my file type, but it would be strongly encouraged to do so.
  • The property editor will try to auto-complete the names of properties, so it really gives you quite a bit more guidance than is apparent.


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