English 中文(简体)
原标题:Replace part of a filename in C#

我有<代码>的夹。 在大多数档案的名称中,我想用另一个插图取代具体的插图。


  private void btnGetFiles_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string dir = tbGetFIles.Text;
        List<string> FileNames = new List<string>();

        DirectoryInfo DirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dir);

        foreach (FileInfo File in DirInfo.GetFiles())

        lbFileNames.DataSource = FileNames;

Here I extract all file names in List Box.

    private void btnReplace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string strReplace = tbReplace.Text; // The existing string
        string strWith = tbWith.Text; // The new string

        string dir = tbGetFIles.Text;
        DirectoryInfo DirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dir);
        FileInfo[] names = DirInfo.GetFiles();

        foreach (FileInfo f in names)
                f.Name.Replace(strReplace, strWith);


在这里,我想做的是替代,但事情是错误的。 什么?


你想改变磁盘上的档案名称。 如果是的话,你需要使用<代码>File.MoveA/60/8诉s. 更改实际编号,即档案名称。

您提出的另一个错误是Replace。 http://www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_chinese.htm 看到你需要将新的价值重新分配给一个变量

string newName = f.Name.Replace(strReplace, strWith);
File.Move(f.Name, newName);

f.Name is a read-only property. f.Name.Replace(..) simply returns a new string with the filename you want, but never actually changes the file.
I suggest something along the following, though I haven t tested it:

File.Move(f.Name, f.Name.Replace(strReplace, strWith));

Replace return another string, it doesn t change the original string.
So you need to write

string newName = f.Name.Replace(strReplace, strWith); 

of course this doesn t change the name of the file on disk.
If that was your intention then you should look at

File.Move(f.Name, newName);

还铭记这一档案。 如果存在目的档案,则调查将例外。

See here for a example

从一看,似乎你不把所替换的地块重新分配给你。 引证:

string NewFileName = f.Name.Replace(strReplace, strWith);
File.Copy(f.Name, NewFileName);

页: 1 替换。 相反,它正在恢复新的扼杀。


    string newFileName = f.Name.Replace(strReplace, strWith); 
    //and work here with your new string

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