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原标题:Do Subclasses Inherit Private Instance Variables From Superclasses

私人成员也继承。 为了测试这一点,你可以在超级舱内做以下工作:

private String myText = "I m in the superclass";

private void setMyText(String myTextValue)
    this.myText = myTextValue;

public void setMyTextPublic(String myTextValue)

public String getMyText()
    return myText;


public void setMyTextInTheSuperClass(String myTextValue)

public void setConstantValueToMyText()
    setMyTextInTheSuperClass("I am in the child class");

And calls setConstantValue ToMyText some where.


进入者将罚款。 认定进入者在超级阶级的“文字”中操作,因此,进入者将能够看到该成员隐藏在子类中。

至于教科书,这取决于你的观点。 该子公司继承私人成员,其意思是,他们实际上在子类别内(因此,他们拿着记忆等),但下级无法直接接触他们。

这里的“继承”是指你不能获得。 仍然存在,绝非是你可以与你进行互动(但要求超级阶级的非私人方法除外)。

The accepted answer in the question you linked to does explain that. Is there anything particular part of that explanation that isn t clear?

Certainly when you create an object of a class B that inherits from a class A if the class A has private items, according to the rules of access in Java, you can not have access them, but these elements do exist in private memory, even as null references if they were null objects.

可在《 Java语言规格<>上读:

A class inherits from its direct superclass and direct superinterfaces all the nonprivate fields of the superclass and superinterfaces that are both accessible to code in the class and not hidden by a declaration in the class.

A private field of a superclass might be accessible to a subclass - for example, if both classes are members of the same class. Nevertheless, a private field is never inherited by a subclass.


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