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采用网络撰写汽车: Http
原标题:Writing autologin using Net::Http in Ruby
  • 时间:2012-05-08 00:34:27
  •  标签:
  • ruby


After reading the doc very carefully, I m writing the following code snippet for the autologin feature of my program:

url = URI.parse( http://localhost/login.aspx )
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url.path)
req.basic_auth  username 


谁能给我一个 h?

more info: I also tried req.basic_auth username , , it didn t seem to be working, I know this because there s another line of line follow right after this one, which is basically doing auto form submission. x = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse("http://localhost/NewTask.aspx"), params) puts x.body

And the puts result came back with the redirect to login page body.


您可考虑使用ruby Mechanicalze gem。 a 标志性的例子将非常简单(从官方网站),因为这样,你不需要做代理人的ert和私人钥匙:

require  rubygems 
require  mechanize 

# create Mechanize instance
agent = Mechanize.new

# set the path of the certificate file
agent.cert =  example.cer 

# set the path of the private key file
agent.key =  example.key 

# get the login form & fill it out with the username/password
login_form = agent.get("http://example.com/login_page").form( Login )
login_form.Userid =  TestUser 
login_form.Password =  TestPassword 

# submit login form
agent.submit(login_form, login_form.buttons.first)


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