English 中文(简体)
Javascript Prototype Problems
原标题:Javascript Prototype Problems

我的情况是,我正在利用Box2DWeb开展一场Canvas游戏,因此,我有一个名为Sprite>/em>的班子,为Canvas树立了形象,我现在想创建Physics Sp<>。 页: 1


Sprite = function (position, dimension, image) {

  this.Position = position;
  this.Dimension = dimension;
  if (image)
    this.Image = image;

  this.Draw = function (g) {


PhysicsSprite = function(position, dimension, world) {

    this.prototype = new Sprite(position, dimension, undefined);

    var body = CreateBody();
    this.GetBody = function () { return body; }

    this.Draw = function (g) {

    function CreateBody () {

Note the alert (this.prototype.Position.X), which does press me of the status, but if I change the Code to this.Position. X,我有了一个错误,同样,如果我有Physics Sprite>,我必须明确标明原型。


If someone could help me, and explain what I am doing wrong, that would be much appreciated. I am dyslexic, so I always misspell variables, which is frustrating, so that was the first thing I looked for, but everything looks fine to me.


这使我想,我 t了目标原型,仅仅创造了一个称为原型的财产,并且为新的标准创造了条件。

这一权利。 此外,你根本不使用功能原型,因为你将每个功能直接分配给具体情况(<代码>)。 提取=功能()而不是原型。

在 Java文中,你有点叫-buildingorFunction。 “new操作者”所要求的每一功能都是建筑功能。

当一项功能被称作“new SomeFunc()”时,就产生了一个新的物体(其名称为isntance),该物体继承了所指的物体。 一些Func.prototype ,这一实例可在该职能范围内通过this查阅。



function A(name) {
    // `this` refers to a new instance
    // lets set some properties:
    this.name = name;

// all "class" methods should be assigned to the prototype
A.prototype.getName = function() {
    return this.name;

// lets create a child "class"
function B(name, place) {
    // we have to call the parents constructor with the current instance
    // and the arguments we want to pass on.
    // this is like `super(name)` in Java or `A.__init__(self, name)` in Python 
    // (or `super(B, self).__init__(name)` in Python)
    A.call(this, name);
    this.place = place;

// here we connect A s prototype with B s prototype in a way that they
// stay independent 
inherits(B, A);

// B s "class" methods
B.prototype.getPlace = function() {
    return this.place;

// now we can do
var b = new B( SomeName ,  SomePlace );

这就是<代码>inherits。 谷歌关闭图书馆也采用这种方式:

function inherits(Child, Parent) {
    var Tmp = function() {};
    Tmp.prototype = Parent.prototype;
    Child.prototype = new Tmp();
    Child.prototype.constructor = Child;

参看<代码>Child.prototype。 Tmp。 But Tmp 原型与<代码>相同。 父母原型。 这意味着,通过<代码>new Tmp(>继承Parent原型而退还的,由于这一实例是<代码>Child的原型,所有<代码>Child的事例也将从Parent.prototype继承。


Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;

但它基本上相同。 它产生一个新的物体,继承<代码>Parent.prototype。

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 进一步读:



this.pro页: 1type = new Sprite(position, dimension, undefined);

页: 1

Sprite.apply(this, position, dimension, undefined);

You are right, before the change, you are assigning an instance of object 页: 1 the "pro页: 1type" property.

The pro页: 1type is a property of the construc页: 1r function, not an object instance - i.e. you can access pro页: 1type by PhysicsSprite.pro页: 1type, but not this.pro页: 1type or x.pro页: 1type (where x = new PhysicsSprite()).

Java贝是一种与 Java截然不同的鸟类,尽管它们相互之间经常发生错觉,因为两者都分享{和}。

典型的 Java本类:

function Sprite(a,b) {
    // These are per instance
    this.a = a;
    this.b = b;
Sprite.prototype = {
    // These are per class, all instances share them
    Draw: function (g) {
        // ...


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