English 中文(简体)
例外 没有为“标题”规定任何形式要素,也没有自动从“扩散表格”中确定。
原标题:Exception No form element was specified for "title" and one not be determined automatically from "SpiffyendForm"

In addtion to my previous question Attache zend filters and validation chains to models/doctrine entities I have given a try to Spiffy framework, but I got stack with this exception like this: Exception No form element was specified for "title" and one not be determined automatically from "SpiffyendForm". In my entity I have this:


namespace Entities;
use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;
use SpiffyDoctrineAbstractEntity as Entity;
use SpiffyDoctrineAnnotationsFilters as Filter;
use SpiffyDoctrineAnnotationsValidators as Assert;

/** @ORMEntity(repositoryClass="RepositoriesPostRepository") */
class Post extends Entity {

public function __construct()     
    $this->created  = new DateTime("now");
    $this->comments = new DoctrineCommonCollectionsArrayCollection();

public function __get($property)
    return $this->$property;

public function __set($name, $value)
    $this->$name = $value;

    return $this->$name;

 * @ORMId @ORMColumn(type="integer") @ORMGeneratedValue
private $id;

 * @var string $title
 * @FilterAlnum
 * @AssertStringLength(5)
 * @ORMColumn(type="string",length=255) 
private $title;

 * @ORMColumn(type="text")
private $body;

 * @ORMColumn(type="datetime")
private $created;

 * @ORMOneToMany(targetEntity="Comment", mappedBy="post", fetch="LAZY")
private $comments;


   use SpiffyendForm as Form;
   class Application_Form_Post extends Form

     public function init()

      //var_dump($this->getEntity()); //returns null
      // die;
      $this->add( title );

      $this->add( body );

     $this->addElement( submit ,  submit , array(



因此,我在这里被困。 感谢您的帮助。


我的申请。 顺便提一下:

 pluginPaths.BisnaApplicationResource = "Bisna/Application/Resource"


autoloaderNamespaces[] = Bisna


  Uncaught exception  ReflectionException  with message  Class DoctrineORMMappingDriverAnnotationDriver does not exist  in C:SpiffylibSpiffyDoctrineContainer.php on line 359


  end_Registry::set( doctrine , $container);

以及in the spiffy resource I had like this:

 `Zend_Registry::set( Spiffy_Doctrine , $container);`


    $this->bootstrap( doctrine );
    $container = $this->getResource( doctrine );

I was expected to be a diffrence between doctrine 以及Spiffy_Doctrine, but is not. And something else that is for me, not understandable. I modify some line in Spiffy container like this:

$reflClass = new ReflectionClass($driverClass);
}catch (LogicException $Exception) {
die( Not gonna make it in here... );
catch(ReflectionException $Exception)
die( Your class does not exist!   );


`Uncaught exception  ReflectionException `

Ps: Sorry forplica of content from the theory group from linekdin, but these are my response. 现在,我对我的申请表示怀疑,也许我会说我所失踪的人,但任何帮助都将是巨大的。 谢谢。

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