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原标题:Trouble figuing out logic for bathroom syncronization [duplicate]
This question already has an answer here:
Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
bathroom synchronization and queue of threads

我在 st中审视了类似的问题,并用了眼光来回答我的问题。 就家庭工作而言,我得到了浴室同步问题。 一个共用的浴室,一个妇女不能使用,而一个男子在那里,反之亦然。 我试图说明的是,如果另一性别在浴室里的话,如何阻止和重新铺面。 到目前为止,我有几种条件,如果不存在异性,如果我不告诉胎儿等待。 离开时,如果你的性别没有在休息室里留下,那么(semaphore)的另一种性就让了。 我不知道,如果我遇到什么麻烦,要打上read子,或让ema人等待。 这里是我的法典。

/ 变数

 sem_t male;
 sem_t female;
 int maleInBath;
 int femaleInBath;
 pthread_mutex_t coutMutex;

/ 初始变量

void personInitGlobals()
   // LEAVE THIS STATEMENT                                                 
   pthread_mutex_init(&coutMutex, NULL);

   // TODO: Complete this function                                         
   int init=0;
   sem_init(&male, 0, init);
   sem_init(&female, 0, init);


void personEnterRestroom(int id, bool isFemale)
   // LEAVE THESE STATEMENTS                                               
    cout << "Enter: " << id << (isFemale ? " (female)" : " (male)") << endl;

   // TODO: Complete this function                                         
   if(isFemale && maleInBath==0){
    }else if(isFemale && maleInBath >0){
   }else if(!isFemale && femaleInBath==0){


void personLeaveRestroom(int id, bool isFemale)
   // LEAVE THESE STATEMENTS                                               
    cout << "Leave: " << id << (isFemale ? " (female)" : " (male)") << endl;

   // TODO: Complete this function                                         





Well as awoodland already have linked to the other thread on SO, so its good to have a look on it. Just in case to avoid duplicated solutions to same problem in same class, I will also ask you whether use of semaphore is mandatory??

If not, then just create a queue (first in first go) structure and put every incomming person to queue. When new person comes, apply your bathroom availability logic. Also when a person leaves the bathroom, apply the bathroom logic again if the queue is not empty. And thats it for you.

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