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原标题:BeyondCompare for .properties

我正在利用“超越Compare”来比较档案,并十分高兴。 然而,我也希望对两卷“properties”档案进行比较和交叉编辑。 具体来说是显而易见的——我不关心姓名/价值表,而是关心重复等。 是否有任何人知道(或需要)这种申请?




以http://www.scootertechware.com/vbulletin/showthread. 网址:http://www.scooterlware.com/vbulletin/showthread. 网址:13877-compare-text-to-first-character” rel=“no followlow noreferer” http://www.scooterticware.com/ support. . . ?zz=kb_un importantv3”rel=“noestlow noretinger”>it 。 I m 采用BC v.3。


  1. Go to the menu Tools / File Formats...
    • create (click on lower left new button) or ...
    • modify one (selecting it)
  2. Set a proper name for it: Properties
  3. In the General tab set the mask: *.properties
  4. In the Conversion tab set Sorting
  5. In the Gramar tab
    • key=value
      1. Click New button
      2. Set a proper name: Equal sign to the end
      3. Click in the radio button named Delimited
      4. Put an equal sign (=) in the Text from: field
      5. Set the checkbox named Stop at end of line
    • comments
      1. Click New button
      2. Set a proper name: Comments
      3. Click in the radio button named Delimited
      4. Put a sharp sign (#) in the Text from: field
      5. Set the checkbox named Stop at end of line
  6. Click on the Save button or press Alt-S
  7. Close the shown dialog
  8. Press the reload toolbar icon, or select manually the new file format


  1. You can tell Beyond compare the text after the equal sign and after the sharp sign are unimportant:
    1. Click in the rules tool bar icon (the guy with a hat) (is shown inside a blue oval in the previous image)
    2. Go to the Importance tab
    3. Remove the check in both grammar elements:


4. Press the `Ok` button
  • Note Beyond Compare shows the file format in the two red ovals I added to the first image
  • Note Beyond Compare tells you the files are NOT shown as they are in the file system, but they are converted (sorted) if you see the text to the right of the ovals shown.




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