English 中文(简体)
原标题:Codeignieter data is not initialized in index function

我正试图在控制器指数功能中初步数据,以便初步数据可用于控制员随后的职能。 但问题是,在我试图从其他职能中获取数据时,数据并未显示出来。 所有这些只是遵循某种以目标为导向的模式。


class Dashboard extends CI_Controller
    private  $account_data;  /*Declaration*/
    private  $profile_data;

    function __construct() {
       // code...

    function index()   /*Here I am initializing data*/
        $this->load->model( db_model );
        $this->account_data = $this->db_model->get_row();
        $this->profile_data = $this->db_model->get_row();
        $this->load->view( user/dashboard );

    function function account_details()
        print_r($this->account_data);  // This displays nothing

    /*other function...*/



But it is not working out. Please help me. Also suggest if I am following right approach. Thanks for your time.


index method is not initializer, its default page/sub_method, if you call the "*account_details*" in url as index.php/dashboard/account_details the index wont be called.


class Dashboard extends CI_Controller
    private  $account_data;  /*Declaration*/
    private  $profile_data;

    function __construct() { /*Here I am initializing data*/
      parent::CI_Controller(); // Thank you Sven
        $this->load->model( db_model );
        $this->account_data = $this->db_model->get_row();
        $this->profile_data = $this->db_model->get_row();

    function index()   

        $this->load->view( user/dashboard );

    function function account_details()
        print_r($this->account_data);  // This displays nothing

    /*other function...*/


<<>Note/strong>:如果你不需要该控制器的所有方法,则在__() 施工时不使用模型或其他计算方法。

model_ initializer(>)”等私人方法将这种代码放在这个范围上,并在您的其他会议名称中称作“代码”<$this->model_ initialize();,如果需要的话。




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