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• 如何解决CORS问题,如何让当地人了解?
原标题:how to solve CORS problem whith local html three.js?

我一直在努力使一个有3个领域。 j 带有图像文字,但没有服务器,无论是当地形象还是网上图像,都造成了这一错误:

Access to image at file:///C:/Users//.....//sun.jpg from origin null has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, isolated-app, chrome-extension, chrome, https, chrome-untrusted. GET file:///C:/Users/...../sun.jpg net::ERR_FAILED


const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(5, 32, 32);
const cargador = new THREE.TextureLoader().load("sun.jpg");
const cargaTextura = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
    map: cargador
const sphere = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);



  1. 您可以使用像明示、正文这样的网络服务器来为图像服务。

  2. 利用云层储存桶,通过URI获取

  3. 您可以将图像转换成基64或某部分,并直接通过如下方式显示:new THREE.Texture Loader(yourBase64string)

the file protocol, file:// is a protocol like any other, namely http://, https://, with some additional restrictions

when you referenced your sun。jpg, the browser took this to be a relative url and so looked to the base URL of the document to be able to resolve it, when it discovered it was from the file:// protocol it applied restrictions, one of them being you cant read local files, the actual error given is somewhat misleading

browsers have two native ways to access local files, the file input tag and drag and drop, both require interaction from user, we shall have to utilise those to access our local files, failing that you will either need a browser extension coupled with some form of executable or a http server

you can select which files you want to access using the file input tag, generate an internal url for them and use them wherever you would use any other url

<!-- local-files-with-three-js。html -->

                  body {
                        margin                : 40px;
                        font-family           : arial;
                  input {
                        font-size             : 16px;
                        padding               : 5px;
                  #user > * {
                        margin-top            : 20px;
                  #url {
                        display               : flex;
                        gap                   : 20px;
                        align-items           : center;
                  #url input {
                        width                 : 100%;
                  #file input {
                        width                 : 225px;
                  #mesh input {
                        width                 : 225px;
                  #three {
                        margin-top            : 30px;
                        display               : flex;
                        justify-content       : center;
            <div id=user>
                  <div id=url><input placeholder= paste url here, hit enter  onchange= url_change(event) ></div>
                  <div id=file><input value= load texture from file  type=button onclick= file_change(event) ></div>
                  <div id=mesh><input type=button value=mesh onclick= mesh(event) ></div>
            <div id=three></div>
<script type=module>

      import * as THREE from  https://esm。run/three ;
            //texture(files。read( sun。jpg ));
            e。target。value    =   ;
            var input   = document。createElement( input );
            input。type    =  file ;
            input。onchange    = onchange;
            function onchange(){
                  var blob    = input。files[0];
                  var url     = URL。createObjectURL(blob);
            var meshMaterial    = new THREE。MeshPhongMaterial({color: lightblue ,emissive: blue ,flatShading:true});
            var texture     = new THREE。TextureLoader()。load(url);
            var material    = new THREE。MeshBasicMaterial({map:texture});
      function draw(material){
            var scene           = new THREE。Scene();
            scene。background    = new THREE。Color( gray );
            var camera          = new THREE。PerspectiveCamera(75,1,1,50);
            camera。position。z   = 50;
            var renderer        = new THREE。WebGLRenderer();
            document。getElementById( three )。replaceChildren(renderer。domElement);
            var lights          = new THREE。DirectionalLight( white ,3);
            //var geometry      = new THREE。BufferGeometry();
            const geometry      = new THREE。SphereGeometry(25, 32, 32);
            const sphere = new THREE。Mesh(geometry,material);
            (function render() {
                    sphere。rotation。y  += 0。005;

        var files       = {};
        files。read      = filename=>localStorage[filename];
        files。remove    = filename=>delete localStorage[filename];
        files。clear     = ()=>localStorage。clear();
        files。list      = ()=>{for(var key in {。。。localStorage})console。log(key)};
        var root                = document。createElement( div );
        root。style。padding      =  20px ;
        root。style。border       =  2px dashed blue ;
        btn( select persistent files ,create);
        btn( clear persistent files ,files。clear);
        btn( list persistent files ,files。list);
        function btn(value,onclick){
              var input                 = document。createElement( input );
              input。value               = value
              input。type                =  button ;
              input。onclick             = onclick;
              input。style。marginRight   =  20px ;
        function create(e){
              var input         = document。createElement( input );
              input。type        =  file ;
              input。multiple    = true;
              input。onchange    = onchange;
              function onchange(e){
                    [。。。input。files]。forEach(async file=>{
                          var url                   = await datauri(file);
                          localStorage[file。name]   = url;
        async function datauri(file){
              var i       = file。name。lastIndexOf( 。 );
              var ext     = file。name。slice(i+1);
              var mime    =  image/ +ext;
              var buf     = await file。arrayBuffer();
              var bytes   = new Uint8Array(buf);
              var binary  =   ;
              var n       = bytes。byteLength;
              for(var i=0;i<n;i++){
                    binary   += String。fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
              var b64       = window。btoa(binary);
              var datauri   =  data: +mime+ ;base64, +b64;
              return datauri;



its quite cumbersome having to select which files you want to access every time you reload or change page, so i added the above script which allows persistent storage of files in localStorage, theres a limit of about 5MB

ok the above script will allow you to click the button "select files", and select multiple files, they will be available ( according to my brief testing in chrome ) across the entire file:// protocol, across page reloads and page navigation。 anywhere you want to use these files just call

files。read(filename)       // e。g: files。read( sun。jpg )
                           // new THREE。TextureLoader()。load(files。read("sun。jpg"));

with regards to CORS itself, the file:// protocol is still subject to CORS policies the same as any other protocol, for the file:// protocol, document。domain=null, or a special domain that always fails any domain check

that being said servers can send a CORS response, determined by access-control-* headers, if the appropiate CORS headers are received, the page can access certain restricted parts of that response

for pages under the file:// protocol the document。domain is effectively null, therefore any response will have to contain the response header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* for javascript to be able to read the data, which is required for say THREE。textureLoader to work


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i 回答另一个类似问题

stackoverflow : How to make a file:// file connect to the node。js server with socket。io

here you can try this to get you started, you ll need the internet to load three。js in this model


      function url_change(e){
      function file_change(e){
          var blob    = e。target。files[0];
          var url     = URL。createObjectURL(blob);
body {
input {
span {
        <input type=file onchange= file_change(event) >
        url<input onchange= url_change(event) >
        <input type=button value=mesh onclick= mesh(event) >

<script type=module>
      import * as THREE from  https://esm。run/three ;

            var meshMaterial    = new THREE。MeshPhongMaterial({color: lightblue ,emissive: blue ,flatShading:true});
            const cargador = new THREE。TextureLoader()。load(url); 
            const cargaTextura = new THREE。MeshBasicMaterial({ map: cargador }); 
      function ready(material){
            var scene           = new THREE。Scene();
            scene。background    = new THREE。Color( gray );
            var camera          = new THREE。PerspectiveCamera(75,1,1,50);
            camera。position。z   = 50;
            var renderer        = new THREE。WebGLRenderer();
            document。body。querySelector( span )。replaceChildren(renderer。domElement);
            var lights          = new THREE。DirectionalLight( white ,3);
            //var geometry      = new THREE。BufferGeometry();
            const geometry      = new THREE。SphereGeometry(25, 32, 32); 
            const sphere = new THREE。Mesh(geometry,material); 
            (function render() {
                    sphere。rotation。y  += 0。005;



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