English 中文(简体)
A. 需要为地图验证工作提供框架建议
原标题:Need an advice of framework for path on map validation


Given two polygons defining the borders of a maze and a path in between (see picture below), I would like to know when I crossed the borders of the maze.

In respect to the inputs I have:

  • One file defining edges of the two polygons (only the points that connect straight lines)
  • One file with all waypoints I had visited, in the order of appearance


www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 这样做的最佳方式是什么? (Algorithm/Technology/Library) 我没有任何技术限制,因此解决办法可以是 Java、C、Perl(这是我所喜欢的)等。






http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_in_polygon”rel=“nofollow” Point in polygon

  1. Build a list of polygons from "One file defining edges of the two polygons (only the points that connect straight lines)"
  2. Apply point_in_polygon() (perl implementation, your favorite) for each "waypoints I had visited"


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