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原标题:Share Image and text on facebook wall in iphone is not working?

hello Guys, I want to share image directly in iphone and share text also . I have implemented the following code on button click but it is doing nothing...

     NSMutableDictionary *variables = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4];

 [variables setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hi... Testing APp"] forKey:@"message"];
 [variables setObject:@"http://icon.png" forKey:@"picture"];       //http://tinyurl.com/45xy4kw
 [variables setObject:@"Create post" forKey:@"name"];
 [variables setObject:@"Write description." forKey:@"description"];

 [facebook requestWithGraphPath:@"/me/feed" andParams:variables andHttpMethod:@"POST" andDelegate:self]; 

I m using facebook direct api for this Facebook API



-(IBAction)postMeFeedButtonPressed:(id)sender {

    NSMutableDictionary *variables = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:8];

    //create a UIImage (you could use the picture album or camera too)
    UIImage *picture = [UIImage imageNamed:@"[email protected]"];

    //create a FbGraphFile object insance and set the picture we wish to publish on it
    FbGraphFile *graph_file = [[FbGraphFile alloc] initWithImage:picture];

    //finally, set the FbGraphFileobject onto our variables dictionary....
    [variables setObject:graph_file forKey:@"file"];

    NSArray *idarry=[[NSArray alloc]initWithArray:Delegate.IdListArray];
    NSLog(@"Delegate array %@",Delegate.IdListArray);

    //NSString *str=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"100001912715296,100001912715296"];
    NSString *str=[idarry componentsJoinedByString:@","];

    NSLog(@"The string contents are %@",str);

   NSString *idstr=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"100002875785051,100001912715296"];

    [variables setObject:idstr forKey:@"tags"];
    [variables setObject:@"110506962309835" forKey:@"place"];

    [variables setObject:@"Hello All my dear friends,I am using MySafety APP" forKey:@"message"];
    [variables setObject:@"http://techilasolutions.com/product.html" forKey:@"link"];
    [variables setObject:@"My Safety" forKey:@"name"];
    [variables setObject:@"http://techilasolutions.com/images/car_tag.png" forKey:@"picture"];
    [variables setObject:@"This is a must have app for all women whether you are a working lady, a house wife or a school going girl.This app lets you save 6 emergency contacts whom you want to alert in case of emergency.Whenever you feel you are in danger, just press the SOS button and it will send sms to your contacts with your current location and a alarm will go on with flashing lights" forKey:@"description"];

    FbGraphResponse *fb_graph_response = [fbGraph doGraphPost:@"me/feed" withPostVars:variables];
    NSLog(@"postMeFeedButtonPressed:  %@", fb_graph_response.htmlResponse);

    //parse our json
    SBJSON *parser = [[SBJSON alloc] init];
    NSDictionary *facebook_response = [parser objectWithString:fb_graph_response.htmlResponse error:nil];
    [parser release];

    //let s save the  id  Facebook gives us so we can delete it if the user presses the  delete /me/feed button 
    self.feedPostId = (NSString *)[facebook_response objectForKey:@"id"];
    NSLog(@"feedPostId, %@", feedPostId);
    NSLog(@"Now log into Facebook and look at your profile...");



     NSMutableDictionary *variables = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:2];

     UIImage *picture = [UIImage imageNamed:@"75x75.png"];

     FbGraphFile *graph_file = [[FbGraphFile alloc] initWithImage:picture];

     [variables setObject:graph_file forKey:@"file"];

     [variables setObject:@"this is a test message: postPictureButtonPressed" forKey:@"message"];

     FbGraphResponse *fb_graph_response = [fbGraph doGraphPost:@"117795728310/photos" withPostVars:variables];
     NSLog(@"postPictureButtonPressed:  %@", fb_graph_response.htmlResponse);

     NSLog(@"Now log into Facebook and look at your profile & photo albums...");


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