i 设有一个网上服务,在JBOSS上运行。 该网络服务采用以下方法:public X509Certificate provideCertificate (String name, PublicKey key){ }
i ve tried encapsulating those objects on some kind of DTO object but it didnt work as well. i know maybe this is not the way to do it, so any lights on the subject would be greatly appretiated.
public class CAWebService
public X509Certificate addOperatorPublicKey(PublicKeyReqResDTO req)
PublicKey key = req.getPublicKey();
String operador = req.getNome();
X509CertImpl cert = null;
// used algorithm
String algorithm = "MD5WithRSA";
// create certificate for this request
PrivateKey privateKey = caKeyPair.getPrivate();
X509CertInfo info = new X509CertInfo();
// 3600000 = 1 hour maximum duration
Date from = new Date();
Date to = new Date(from.getTime() + 3600000L);
CertificateValidity interval = new CertificateValidity(from, to);
BigInteger sn = new BigInteger(64, new SecureRandom());
X500Name owner = new X500Name(operador);
info.set(X509CertInfo.VALIDITY, interval);
info.set(X509CertInfo.SERIAL_NUMBER, new CertificateSerialNumber(sn));
info.set(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT, new CertificateSubjectName(owner));
info.set(X509CertInfo.ISSUER, new CertificateIssuerName(new X500Name("CA")));
info.set(X509CertInfo.KEY, new CertificateX509Key(key));
info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V3));
AlgorithmId algo = new AlgorithmId(AlgorithmId.md5WithRSAEncryption_oid);
info.set(X509CertInfo.ALGORITHM_ID, new CertificateAlgorithmId(algo));
// signs the certificate using this web service private key
cert = new X509CertImpl(info);
cert.sign(privateKey, algorithm);
// updates and re-signs
algo = (AlgorithmId)cert.get(X509CertImpl.SIG_ALG);
info.set(CertificateAlgorithmId.NAME + "." + CertificateAlgorithmId.ALGORITHM, algo);
cert = new X509CertImpl(info);
cert.sign(privateKey, algorithm);
//catch all the exceptions, its like 10 diffente ones
catch( .... )
//is the name already on the valid cert list?
boolean found = false; int index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < validList.size(); i++)
found = true; index = i;
//the cert was already on the valid list, so we put it on the black list
//didnt find so no need to put on the black list
return cert;
also im using ArrayList to control the black and valid certificate lists because for some reason X509CRL doesnt include an .add() method.. also im not interested in persistency, i just want it to work while the web service is online, the time is goes offline i dont care if eveything siezes to exist.