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使用html5 多个属性,在密码用户中上载多个档案
原标题:upload multiple files in Codeigniter using html5 multiple attribute


<form action="form-handler.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <input id="myfile" name="myfile" type="file">
            <input value="Upload ►" type="submit">

我想一劳永逸地上载多份档案。 我在控制人员中应当做些什么来上载密码上的选定档案? 我尝试使用密码用户文档上载图书馆,但没有装上多个档案。 但是,在1份档案中,它正在做罚款。


您只能称“Cdigniter s do_upload()”在通过您的系列文件(_FILE发送的每个航道中发挥作用;


$this->load->library( upload );
$this->upload->initialize($config); //$config is array like as [in CI s documentation][1] 
$path= uploads/some_folder ; // refers to the root s uploads/some_folder folder
$upload_data = $this->upload->multiFileUpload($path, TRUE);

magic载于multiFileUpload(功能,我从其他人那里获得。 这项职能通过将它列入名为MY_Upload的档案,延伸到CI的上载图书馆。 php in my /application/libraries rafter.



class MY_Upload extends CI_Upload {

public function multiFileUpload($path, $protect = FALSE){

  * Declare uploaded_info and uploaded_files
  * when i m sure $_FILES has some data
 /* if($this->upload_path[strlen($this->upload_path)-1] !=  / )
   $this->upload_path .=  / ;*/



   #Here we check if the path exists if not then create

    $uploaded_info  = FALSE;
    * The structure of $_FILES changes a lot with the array name on the input file,
    * then i m gonna modify $_FILES to make it think the data comes from several
    * input file instead of one "arrayfied" input.
    * The several ways to upload files are controled with this if...else structure
    if(count($_FILES) == 1)
        $main_key = key($_FILES);
        if(is_array($_FILES[$main_key][ name ]))

            foreach($_FILES[$main_key] as $key => $value)

                for($y = 0; $y < count($value); $y++)

                    $_FILES[$main_key . - . $y][$key] = $value[$y];




            $uploaded_files  = $_FILES;
            $uploaded_files  = $_FILES;    

        $uploaded_files  = $_FILES;    

   #Here we create the index file in each path s directory
    $folder =   ;
    foreach(explode( / ,$this->upload_path)  as $f){

     $folder .= $f. / ;
     $text = "<?php echo  Directory access is forbidden. ; ?>";

     if(!file_exists($folder. index.php )){
      $index = $folder. index.php ; 
      $Handle = fopen($index,  w );
      fwrite($Handle, trim($text));

   #Here we do the upload process

   foreach($uploaded_files as $file => $value){
    if (!$this->do_upload($file))
     $uploaded_info[ error ][]  =  array_merge($this->data(),
              array( error_msg  => $this->display_errors()));

     $uploaded_info[ upload_data ][] =  array_merge($this->data(),
              array( error_msg  => $this->display_errors()));

  #Then return what happened with the files
  return $uploaded_info;


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