English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do I visual select a calculation backwards?


200 + 3 This is my text -300 +2 + (9*3)

This is text 0,25 + 2.000 + sqrt(15/1.5)

The reason is that I will use it in insert mode. After writing a calculation I want to select the calculation (using a map) and put the results of the calculation in the text.

What the regex must do is:
- select from the cursor (see * in above example) backwards to the start of the calculation
(including /-+*:.,^).
- the calculation can start only with log/sqrt/abs/round/ceil/floor/sin/cos/tan or with a positive or negative number
- the calculation can also start at the beginning of the line but it never goes back to a previous line

I tried in all ways but could not find the correct regex.
I noted that backward searching is different then forward searching.


Forgot to mention that it must include also the = if there is one and if the = is before the cursor or if there is only space between the cursor and = .
It must not include other = signs.

200 + 3 = 203 -300 +2 + (9*3) =

200 + 3 = 203 -300 +2 + (9*3)


A regex that comes close in pure vim is


存在一些限制:低压(包括职能论点)为平价。 你们需要使用适当的克法教区来这样做,我不建议这样做。

Operator Mapping

To enable using this a bit like text-objects, use something like this in your $MYVIMRC:

func! DetectExpr(flag)
    let regex =  vcs*zs(s{-}(((sqrt|log|sin|cos|tan|exp)?(.{-}))|(-?[0-9,.]+(e-?[0-9]+)?)|([-+*/%^]+)))+(s*=?)?s*  
    return searchpos(regex, a:flag .  ncW , line( . ))

func! PositionLessThanEqual(a, b)
    "echo  a:   . string(a:a)
    "echo  b:   . string(a:b)
    if (a:a[0] == a:b[0])
        return (a:a[1] <= a:b[1]) ? 1 : 0
        return (a:a[0] <= a:b[0]) ? 1 : 0

func! SelectExpr(mustthrow)
    let cpos  = getpos(".")
    let cpos  = [cpos[1], cpos[2]] " use only [lnum,col] elements
    let begin = DetectExpr( b )
    if ( ((begin[0] == 0) && (begin[1] == 0))
       || !PositionLessThanEqual(begin, cpos) )
        if (a:mustthrow)
            throw "Cursor not inside a valid expression"
            "echoerr "not satisfied: " . string(begin) . " < " . string(cpos)
        return 0
    "echo "satisfied: " . string(begin) . " < " . string(cpos)

    call setpos( . , [0, begin[0], begin[1], 0])
    let end = DetectExpr( e )
    if ( ((end[0] == 0) || (end[1] == 0))
       || !PositionLessThanEqual(cpos,  end) )
        call setpos( . , [0, cpos[0], cpos[1], 0])
        if (a:mustthrow)
            throw "Cursor not inside a valid expression"
            "echoerr "not satisfied: " . string(begin) . " < " . string(cpos) . " < " . string(end) 
        return 0
    "echo "satisfied: " . string(begin) . " < " . string(cpos) . " < " . string(end) 

    norm! v
    call setpos( . , [0, end[0],   end[1],   0])
    return 1

silent! unmap X
silent! unmap <M-.>

xnoremap <silent>X :<C-u>call SelectExpr(0)<CR>
onoremap <silent>X :<C-u>call SelectExpr(0)<CR>


  • vX - [v]isually select e[X]pression
  • dX - [d]elete current e[X]pression
  • yX - [y]ank current e[X]pression
  • "ayX - id. to register a

作为一种骗子,为了mo的目的,利用以下手段从被占领土上获得精确的乙 art(virtualed<>/em>):

Insert mode mapping


" if you want trailing spaces/equal sign to be eaten:
imap <M-.> <C-o>:let @e=""<CR><C-o>"edX<C-r>=substitute(@e,  ^v(.{-})(s*=?)?s*$ ,  =string(eval(submatch(1))) ,   )<CR>

" but I m assuming you wanted them preserved:
imap <M-.> <C-o>:let @e=""<CR><C-o>"edX<C-r>=substitute(@e,  ^v(.{-})(s*=?s*)?$ ,  =string(eval(submatch(1))) . submatch(2) ,   )<CR>

允许你打上Alt-.,插入方式,目前的表述改为评价。 治疗器在结果结束时添加方式。

200 + 3 This is my text -300 +2 + (9*3)

This is text 0.25 + 2.000 + sqrt(15/1.5)


203 This is my text -271

This is text 5.412278

For Fun: ascii art



:let @q="vXoyox1b`<jPvXr-r|e.a*x1b"
:set virtualedit=all

Now you can @q anywhere and it will ascii-decorate the nearest expression :)

200 + 3 = 203 -300 +2 + (9*3) =

200 + 3 = 203 -300 +2 + (9*3)

This is text 0,25 + 2.000 + sqrt(15/1.5)

1 consider using Vim s python integration to do such parsing



I ve created a regex that works for a few examples - give it a try and see if it does the trick:





(?:[A-Za-z]|s)+ - match everything that s a letter or a space once or more

match and capture the following 3:
((?:[^A-Za-z]+)? - match everything that s NOT a letter (i.e. in your case numbers or operators)

<>>>>。 - 符合您的关键词

[^A-Za-z]+) - match everything that s NOT a letter (i.e. in your case numbers or operators)

(?:[A-Za-z >]——与字母或空间零或多倍以上的一切相匹配

$ - match the end of the line

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